Appendicitis In Children: Symptoms, Causes And More

Appendicitis in Children: Symptoms, Causes, and More

How do you know if your child has a stomach ache or appendicitis? Where is the boundary between one ailment and another? If you want to know everything that appendicitis can involve in children, keep reading, we will tell you about it below.

Appendicitis is an inflammation of the appendix due to infection . When we talk about appendicitis in children, it does not usually occur before the age of 3. The appendix is ​​located in the large intestine, and it is a small tube whose specific function is not very clear.

When this infection occurs, it needs to be removed . It is not high-risk and you can lead a completely normal life after its removal.

As some of the first symptoms can resemble a common stomach ache, we want to offer you the definitive clues to take your child to the doctor in case you suspect that they have appendicitis.

Definitive symptoms of appendicitis in children

  • Belly pain localized in the upper part or around the navel, but later displaced to the lower right part.
  • Nausea, vomiting, and even fever.
  • Lack of appetite.

Do not hesitate to go to the doctor if you find that the pain is uninterrupted for more than an hour. The biggest complication can appear in the event that the appendix bursts, since it could cause a strong infection that affects the child’s intestine.

At the slightest suspicion, we must take our children to the doctor

Causes of appendicitis in children

The reasons why the appendix can become inflamed are several:

  • Infection with some type of microbe . It is the most common cause of inflammation and infection of the appendix.
  • Infection due to accumulation of excrement . The large intestine is an obligatory passage for waste in our body, so that some small part may be accumulated in the appendix, thus causing an infection.
  • Infection due to the presence of a foreign body. As with excrement, it may happen that a foreign body remains in the appendix, being a direct source of infection for it.
  • Parasites or microorganisms . They can cause inflammation of the appendix or its infection.

Treatment for appendicitis in children

There is no treatment for this infection. It is solved only by removing the appendix in case it has not exploded.

The operation to remove the appendix is called an appendectomy, a fairly common and simple surgery . It requires general anesthesia, so your little one will not know anything and will be asleep during the operation.

The removal of the appendix does not interfere with the development of a normal life , so do not worry, there will be nothing that your child cannot do once they have recovered from the operation.

Post-appendectomy care

Once you are discharged from the hospital, you can go home with no other concern than  keeping the operation scar clean .

In addition, you do not have to follow a certain diet, being able to continue with your usual diet. And, as for the rest of the activities, as long as your child feels capable of doing them, they can perform them without problems. Of course, it is good that during the first days you are at rest and do not perform activities that require great efforts.

Appendicitis in children appears from 4 years of age.

Although we have said that it is a fairly common surgery, there are some precautions that you should take. Thus, if any of the following symptoms appear after the operation, see a doctor immediately.

  • Vomiting
  • High fever.
  • Lack of appetite
  • Bleeding in the area of ​​surgery.
  • Redness, swelling, or swelling in the surgery area.
  • Pain that gets worse even taking pain relievers.
  • Yellow or greenish discharge, foul smelling and thick, that comes from the area of ​​the surgery.

Recommendations for parents

When talking about appendicitis in children, it is normal that these are the ones that have the least information on the subject. Parents also feel that we have to protect them from everything. Therefore, here are some tips that you can apply.

If your child has to undergo surgery for appendicitis, don’t hide it from him. Although it is something that many children go through, your child is probably scared, so explain what he has and what they are going to do to cure him .

Also, don’t obsess over apparent warning symptoms . It is good to know what can happen to your child, but, when in doubt, remember that the only valid diagnosis is that of the doctors.

And finally, don’t hesitate to ask your doctor about anything that causes you concern about the illness, the operation, or the aftercare. Make your child keep a good memory of his stay in the hospital. It won’t be pleasant, so even if it’s only for a couple days, encourage him by reminding him of how brave and strong he is.

If my mom is around, I heal sooner

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