Is TikTok The Most Fashionable Social Network Today?

Today we offer you more information about the most fashionable social network for children and young people today.
Is TikTok the most fashionable social network today?

New technologies and, more specifically, social networks are now part of the daily life of both children, youth and adults. Depending on age and tastes, there are numerous different social networks that are currently on the market to satisfy people’s free time.

However, trends continue their course and, in the case of social networks, it was not going to be otherwise. Fashions, as the name suggests, are fleeting and, today, there is a social network that stands out above the rest among children and young people.

We talk, nothing more and nothing less, than the music social network TikTok. If you want to know more about the reason for its success, as well as how it works, then we will tell you everything.

Social networks and generations

Younger children increasingly have a personal mobile phone. For this reason, they begin to start in the world of social networks sooner, although on many occasions these are restricted to people over 18 years of age.

Over time, different generations have had a more popular social network par excellence. The first and most famous was Tuenti, whose years of splendor occurred between 2009 and 2012. Later, other more powerful such as Facebook and Instagram reached number one.

Instagram, photography and brevity

Before the appearance of TikTok, the social network par excellence among today’s young people was Instagram, although it continues to be, to a greater extent, the possibility of showing your day to day through stories that are deleted in 24 hours or including In your account the photographs that interest you, hook young people, who do not separate their finger from their likes  and their followers .

However, TikTok began to gain a foothold among the most important social networks for one reason only, as it  uses one of the things that children and young people in general like the most: music. 

The success of TikTok

A boom that began in the United States shortly afterwards spread to the entire planet. The application, of Chinese origin, currently has more than 1,500 million downloads worldwide and its success continues to grow daily.

Children, young people and even adults have fun uploading music videos of their favorite songs to their network. Well, when we talk about extension to the entire planet, it is due to the fact that the application can be found in more than 75 different languages ​​and is present in more than 150 countries around the world.

Its numbers speak for themselves, as it has already surpassed Instagram and is in third position only behind Facebook and WhatsApp.

TikTok social network.

What is TikTok?

The success of this social network is due, in part, to having all the ingredients that have made other social networks succeed, such as:

  • 24-hour stories similar to those on Instagram.
  • Filters like on Snapchat.
  • Music integration when purchasing the social network.

The mechanics are very simple. Children, young people or adults upload their music videos of a duration of 15 seconds. Once recorded, the social network offers multiple editing options that are very easy to use to have the possibility of creating very funny videos.

And it is that, in contrast to what happens with other social networks such as Instagram or Facebook, where perfection is always what you want to teach, in TikTok it does not happen this way.

The goal is fun, regardless of how the video is included. And to make it all more fun, in addition to music videos, TikTok also includes jokes, ‘memes’ and other similar amusements to include in your videos.

In the same way as Instagram, this social network also has the possibility to follow other users of the network, search hastags or search for specific music clips that interest you.

In definitive accounts, TikTok is a social network similar to Instagram but including music videos. A perfect combination that has led to success.

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