Parents’ Discussions When They Are Going To Have Their First Child

When parents are expecting their first child, they have frequent arguments due to various causes. Here you can find out what some of them are and how to improve communication.
Parents' discussions when they are going to have their first child

It is very common for parents to argue when they are going to have their first child. Before the arrival of a baby, the couple has to face a new structuring of their relationship in which both collective and individual needs must be taken into account. And this will not only affect the couple, but also relationships with family and friends.

In this article we are going to see some of the discussions or confrontations generated by the arrival of the first child in the parents. If you want to know more, keep reading.

Areas affected in parents’ discussions when they are going to have their first child

Some of the areas that are most frequently affected are related to:

  • The differences when it comes to raising and caring for the baby.
  • Conflicts for the different points of view between both families.
  • The organization of time for oneself and that which is destined for the couple.
  • Fulfilling responsibilities after the arrival of the first child.

    These are some of the areas that can be affected in general, but we can talk about other more specific discussions, which are what we find in the differences that arise between parents after the arrival of a baby.

    Causes of parents arguing when they are going to have their first child

    Couple angered by one of the parents' arguments when they are going to have their first child.

    Conflicts over the division of tasks.

    The important thing when the tasks are divided is not their distribution equally between both parties, but rather that what has been decided that each one is going to be in charge of doing and not burdening the other with our own responsibilities is fulfilled.

    There may also be certain circumstances in which we have to assume more responsibilities than the other and we must be flexible and understanding. This will promote empathy between both parents and, in this way, will reduce the discrepancies between them.

    Choice of name

    This conflict is one of the first to arise. One wants one name and the other wants a different one. Here, the solution is not that one has the power to choose over the other, but that this is that between us we find a name that leaves us both satisfied. We do not have to be influenced by friends, family, acquaintances … What we have to do is find the name that we both like.

    Need to spend time with yourself and your partner

    That we have a child does not mean that we no longer dedicate time to ourselves and to our partner. We must have moments for ourselves and the other member of the couple has and must be tolerant so that the foundation of the relationship does not falter. Therefore, it is very important to respect the space of the other.

    Discrepancies when raising and educating the child

    Logically, each of the parents is raised in different homes and the parenting methods that are suitable for one may not be suitable for the other. To avoid arguments, what we have to do is find together a common parenting method that we consider the appropriate one.

    Couple angry about an argument about the arrival of their first child.

    Relations with the families of both parties

    Another discussion arises from the influence of both families. When they try to impose their parenting methods for you to apply with your child. Therefore, it is important that we speak with both families and explain that they must respect our way of raising the child, but that we thank them for their interest and support.

    It is important that from the first day the limits are clear and what we are willing to tolerate and what not so that later reproaches do not arise between the couple.

    The choice of daycare or who will take care of it

    Given this, what we must both keep in mind is that we must look at what is best for our child. Staying with grandparents and another family member, hiring a professional caregiver, or taking them to daycare.

    When in doubt about which one to choose, all we have to do is talk and share the advantages and disadvantages of all the options we have and choose the one that best suits the child.

    On parents’ arguments when they are going to have their first child

    Parents’ arguments when they are going to have their first child are more common than we think. It is clear that, if both of us do not do our part, conflicts will be frequent and there will not be a good atmosphere at home. We must all speak it sincerely and put things together in order to reach an agreement in which we both feel comfortable.

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