Academic Stress In Adolescents

Academic stress during adolescence can have various causes and consequences that often go unnoticed. Pay attention to all of them to help your child in case he needs it.
Academic stress in adolescents

Academic stress in adolescents is a serious problem that affects many young people today;  since they have to deal with the tensions of the age and with the demands of tutors, teachers and parents who constantly pressure them to be the best.

Consequences of academic stress in adolescents

Academic stress in adolescents has repercussions in various areas of the young person’s life, showing as follows:

Academic problems

In the case of adolescents, at the preparatory level  they face various personal and family conflicts that generate stress and influence their academic performance, especially their grades, and emotionally, becoming more withdrawn.

Due to this, they do not feel safe when expressing themselves in front of the rest of their classmates or teachers, feeling accused by their parents at the slightest show of help, so relationships tend to be strained enough to harm the family environment .

Lack of concentration

On the other hand, they  lose concentration in their various daily activities. They are shown removed from reality, generally immersing themselves in their drawings or music, locked in their rooms and away from those around them.

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Academic stress in adolescents can have such a strong impact that it can manifest itself through violence and aggressiveness; These behaviors are derived from psychological disorders that are related to facing various problems. Some of them are:

  1. School work load.
  2. Problems related to their teachers.
  3. Family problems such as divorces and family breakdown.
  4. Various types of economic deficiencies.

Many times they come to express their frustration by exploding in outbursts of anger, usually against classmates or other family members.


Chronic stress in itself can turn into a disease, but it is also capable of developing other somatic illnesses such as the flu, loss of appetite, lack of energy, headaches and lack of spirits.

These above symptoms are closely related to a depressive stress disorder. This is not surprising, as a survey revealed that 1 in 4 people suffers from a serious stress problem in cities.

In view of this, it has been estimated that many of the young people have some type of problem of this type. It is a kind of epidemic considered serious because stress is capable of generating various pathologies.

Various alterations

Since stress is present in various areas of school education, many tend to feel altered, especially in the response of the individual at a cognitive, motor and physiological level.

Altering these vital response levels so negatively affects their academic performance that in the case of many, test scores decline, reaching the point where some drop out.

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What Causes School Stress?

Stress is  an alteration produced by everything that surrounds the young person. Among the fundamental causes we distinguish:

1.- Strong pressure

No person under pressure can develop good learning;  and it really is a serious problem, because it could generate a phobia for studying and school intelligence.

Many adults tend to remember their childhood trauma due to this important influencing factor, since from an early age they felt pressured, criticized and labeled as “bad students”, and this certainly degrades self-esteem and causes pressure.

2.- Problems at home

It has already been mentioned that  the various problems within the family nucleus can cause a lot of stress. Seeing parents fight constantly, family disintegration or frequent arguments are factors that take a toll on the emotional and physical health of young people.

3.- Bad diet

In view of the severe crisis in many countries, some young people are not eating properly ; which logically causes a strong decrease in cognitive activities such as concentration.

How to deal with school stress?

Young people hardly know how to control their emotions, since they are in the process of development and do not know how to handle many issues. In view of this, it is parents and teachers who must do their part to help them get out of this trance.

They must talk to them, advise them, guide them and not become their enemies but rather their guardians and allies. As long as they are given help, guidance, protection, and security, they will be able to get ahead.

Stress is one of the factors that affect hyperprolactia.

Don’t take it for granted

Some of the symptoms mentioned are manifestations of academic stress in adolescents. Many of them are hardly recognizable, so the important thing is to be attentive and not underestimate them.

The schools have the figure of the counselor, a trained professional who can provide the relevant help to offer the most accurate advice and the necessary guidance to overcome stress.

Monitor the diet and go to a specialist

Nutrients provide the youth with the energy to carry out their activities. Through food they receive vitamins, minerals and proteins essential for the chemical processes that take place in the brain and in the rest of the body.

If excessive self-criticism, exhaustion or chronic fatigue, a feeling of worthlessness, outbursts of anger, suspicion, insomnia or negativity are observed in a young person, the best thing to do is to talk to someone who can establish a diagnosis and who can help him get out of this situation.

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