Appearance Of Stains On Permanent Teeth

If you want to smile without complexes, you better adopt healthy habits. Tooth stains can appear on anyone: here are some tips to prevent them.
Appearance of stains on permanent teeth

Having porcelain teeth and showing off healthy white teeth is everyone’s wish. The appearance of stains on permanent teeth, unfortunately, is a natural process to which we are all exposed.

Therefore, it is one of the main dental problems. The spots can appear due to medication, poor hygiene or genetics.

There are several types of stains; you can identify them by their color. When you know which one affects you, you will effectively eradicate it. Today, dental aesthetics has become a trend with innovative whitening treatments.

Types of stains on permanent teeth

Dental darkening represents a constant threat affecting both permanent and temporary teeth. However, based on the color of the stain, you can identify the cause that originates it. The  most common stains on permanent teeth are the following:

White spots

These come to originate from:

  • Caries :  when caries is in its initial stage, a whiter area can be seen on the tooth due to the demineralization of the enamel. With the early application of a special fluoride, it can be eradicated.
  • Fluorosis:  its detection is very easy due to the mottled appearance that originates from the excessive use of fluoride from an early age to adulthood. In some countries, water for human consumption contains a large amount of fluoride and when ingested it damages the teeth.

Brown spot

Its appearance is due to bad eating habits. These are superficial and normally lodge in the internal part of the teeth.

It is caused by consuming dark beverages such as coffee, cola, and red wine. Also smoking tobacco, because nicotine causes alterations in the original color.

Gray spot

They occur due to trauma. When a tooth is affected by a blow or fall, the product of a fight or accident, it changes its natural color to a grayish tone due to pulp necrosis; that is, death of the nerve that was affected.

In extreme cases, the person may experience discomfort when chewing; there a root canal is necessary to relieve pain.

Oral health is important from the first years of life to avoid problems such as stains on permanent teeth.

Black stain

These are one of the strongest; among its causes are:

  • Mouthwash:  This product contains an antibacterial substance called chlorhexidine. Its excessive consumption, as well as its misuse, causes black spots. Its appearance depends on factors such as the concentration of chlorhexidine and the duration of treatment.
  • Tartar: it  is very common in people who suffer from diseases such as periodontitis, since the dentobacterial plaque turns into tartar that lodges on the surfaces of the teeth,  which causes bad breath and the total loss of bone.

Green stain

It is caused by poor oral hygiene. These stains are found on the necks of the teeth and are very common in children and adolescents who do not have proper dental care and hygiene.

Not brushing properly causes bacteria to lodge on the teeth and gums for a long time. This causes phenazine, a substance that causes the breakdown of blood in the gums, to stain teeth in this color.

Yellow spot

Its main cause is dentobacterial plaque, which is caused by the decomposition of food remains. In combination with poor brushing, the teeth begin to take on this color.

3 ways to remove stains on permanent teeth

These stains can be avoided with regular visits to the dentist.  This can apply any of the treatments that we will indicate below:

Dental cleaning

It is a deep cleaning carried out by a professional in which any stain, tartar lodged under the gums and dental plaque are removed. It is suggested to carry out at least two a year, which will guarantee healthy gums, teeth free of cavities and white.

Many dream of the perfect smile and stains threaten it.

Teeth whitening

It is an aesthetic treatment; In this  active ingredients are applied that penetrate the enamel and eliminate all the stains inside and outside the teeth. The effect is surprising: you get shiny teeth and a brighter smile.

Dental veneers

They are a kind of covers with which teeth that have stains and that no treatment removes are covered. Especially those that are produced by medications or the excessive use of fluoride.

Avoid the appearance of stains on permanent teeth, do not wait for them to appear to start taking care of your teeth. Remember that, like many other conditions, most of them can be avoided with simple, everyday measures.

The importance of taking good care of teeth from childhood

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