Nutritional Supplements During Lactation

Vitamin D deficiency is an endemic problem among the population. Its supplementation can also be positive during lactation.
Nutritional supplements during breastfeeding

Nutritional supplements accompany the pregnancy of many women . During this stage, optimal nutrition becomes necessary. However, during the postpartum there are many habits that we modify. In this sense, the question arises of when to stop taking supplements . Is it necessary to continue consuming these products while breastfeeding?

Mothers who have decided to breastfeed sometimes wonder if their regular feeding can contain all the nutrients their new baby needs. Vitamin deficiencies such as A and C are known to be common in the infant’s diet at times . Another typical case of deficiency is that of vitamin D, according to the following article published in the journal “PLoS One”.

It is normal that we have doubts about what to eat while breastfeeding and if it is sometimes necessary to take nutritional supplements. During this period there is a greater demand for nutrients in the woman’s body, this time with a somewhat greater intensity than in the course of pregnancy.


Should we take nutritional supplements while breastfeeding?

The diet of the breastfeeding woman is very well defined, it is generally indicated that certain foods be avoided and that the consumption of others be increased. As we know, the nutritional needs of the mother increase during the lactation period, which is why the beginning of strict diets is not recommended, especially those that involve reducing the consumption of calories below 1800 a day.

In cases where the mother drains her reserves in a relevant way, she may need to make a change in eating habits. On occasions, the incorporation of supplements specially designed for this stage is mandatory.

According to the experts’ explanation, the production of breast milk is not affected by the levels of protein, iron, carbohydrates or calcium in the diet. That is, even when the mother does not eat enough food that provides these nutrients, the quality of her milk does not decrease considerably. However, it does affect the lack of water-soluble vitamins in the diet.

Among the vitamins that can be affected by an insufficient diet during breastfeeding are vitamins A, B, C and D (fat soluble) since these dissolve easily in the water used to produce breast milk. When there is a deficiency in the replacement of these vitamins, the reserves are depleted each time the baby is fed. This situation can be harmful to the mother.

However , vitamin D deficiency is endemic at the population level. For this reason, it is advisable to monitor the intake of this substance in the mother to assess a possible supplementation. More and more experts advise increasing the levels of this vitamin in the general population and in infants.

What supplements to take

Nutritionists say that despite the decrease in essential nutrients for producing breast milk, nutritional supplementation is not always indicated.

This action applies especially in cases of malnutrition or situations where the mother is intolerant to foods that provide the main nutrients; The incorporation of vitamin B12-based supplements is also recommended in women who follow any type of vegan diet, since its main source is found in foods of animal origin.


The feeding of the pregnant woman as well as of the breastfeeding mother is of interest to specialists, since it constitutes a very important element in the development of the baby and the health of the mother. Therefore it is advisable for doctors to make specific recommendations on how the mother’s diet should be during lactation.

However, some specialists recommend that small doses of iron-based supplements and others of iodine be incorporated in scales of approximately 200 mcg daily. These minerals are beneficial for the newborn and also contribute to the recovery of the mother in the postpartum stage.

The recommendation for vitamin D supplementation has also increased greatly in recent years. In addition, a general multivitamin can be recommended, although for this situation each case would have to be assessed in a particular way. If the diet is balanced, it would not be necessary to supplement water-soluble vitamins.

Other nutritional recommendations are based on the obligation to recover the energy lost during lactation, that is, an average of 70 kcal per 100 ml of milk. If we consider that during the day, a woman produces approximately 750 ml of milk, to produce this amount she requires at least an energy consumption of 700 kcal.

To keep in mind!

Food is an important factor in breastfeeding. Although the composition of the milk will not be greatly altered, a poor diet can cause harm to the mother.

For this reason, it is recommended to carry out a balanced and varied eating plan. In addition, supplementation with vitamin D and even iron or iodine can be positive. In the case of water-soluble vitamins, the increase in intake can be assessed if the recommendations are not reached through diet.

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