The Best Age To Place Earrings

The best age to place earrings

Earrings are one of the most controversial topics when it comes to baby fashion and accessories. Opinions are usually quite divided, as some people consider it okay to put earrings at an early age, while others are completely opposed to it.

In some cultures, it is waited until the girl is of legal age and she decides for herself if she wants to pierce her ears or not. However, in Latin America and Spain it is a tradition to pierce the ears of girls at an early age.

In fact, it is generally decided to perform the piercing with a few hours of birth or a few days of birth. The reason it is done so early is that pain is seen to be spared when they are older (and more aware).

Ear piercing in babies is not common in the US. In fact, in this country a baby with pierced ears and earrings is considered an exception. The same is true in the Scandinavian countries, Belgium, the Netherlands, and other northern European countries.

At what age is it better to put earrings on babies?

As we discussed earlier, there are widely divided opinions on this issue. Some health institutions consider that it is better to wait for a girl to be able to take care of herself, while others emphasize that there is no problem in putting earrings on her from a young age.

Mothers often choose to earrings their daughters from a very young age

The American Academy of Pediatrics (APP) stated that if the piercing is done correctly and its progress is subsequently followed, there is little risk that it could have any inconvenience. So they are not opposed to ear piercing in babies.

On the other hand, from the APP it  is recommended to wait for the baby to have  his first dose of vaccines, (approximately two years of age) before performing the piercing.

In the end, it is a personal decision. Although it is important to inform yourself correctly before performing the piercing so that no inconvenience occurs.

What is really complex is convincing Spanish and Latin American mothers to wait until 2 years of age to pierce their babies’ ears, because they have a deep-rooted tradition. In addition, the absence of perforation is considered a disadvantage with regard to fashion and accessories of the creature.

Tips for safely putting earrings on your baby

  1. If the hospital where you have your baby does not perform piercings, you can ask your pediatrician about a safe place where you can do it, and have all the necessary equipment.
  2. You must make sure that the earrings are made of 14 karat gold. Other material could cause an infection or an allergic reaction in your baby.
  3. They must be small earrings that cannot be pulled. Babies are generally very restless, you should avoid putting very long or large earrings on them. It is best to be round and small.
  4. If you do the piercing with a professional, you must make sure that their equipment is properly sterilized. It is very important to ensure that they are respectful of health and hygiene standards to avoid damage.
  5. You can ask your doctor if your baby can be given local anesthesia. The piercing takes a few seconds, but naturally, it will cause the baby some pain. If you are one of those mothers who are very burdened by the possible pain that their children may cause when their ears are pierced, ask if your doctor allows a little local anesthesia to be placed on the baby’s earlobe.
Example of the type of ideal earrings for babies.

How should be the earrings for the baby

  • Hypoallergenic material : this type of material is perfect to avoid allergic reactions. They must be made of hypoallergenic materials such as 14 karat gold or silver.
  • That the earrings do not hang : remember that the earrings should not hang, so we can prevent the baby from pulling them.
  • The point cannot be sharp: as adult earrings are generally, it is best if they are rounded.
  • Thickness: The filament that is inserted into the ear should be as thin as possible.

How you should take care of your baby’s ears

  1. The first thing you should do is notify and consult your pediatrician, in case any complications occur.
  2. If you do not see any problems in the area, you can leave the earrings in place for 6 weeks.
  3. During this time, clean the earlobe with clean hands and a little alcohol.
  4. Twist the earrings at least once a day, do not tighten the clasps too much.
  5. After each bath with your baby, dry that area very well so that it is not wet.
  6. After 6 weeks, they should be healed and you can change them.

With these tips and recommendations, you can now have a better basis to make the decision of whether or not you want to put earrings on your baby.

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