3 Dinner Recipes For The Second Trimester Of Pregnancy

It is very important that you know how to nourish yourself in a healthy and enjoyable way, therefore, you should always be attentive to the various food options that you have at your disposal.
3 dinner recipes for the second trimester of pregnancy

As in the rest of the stages, dinners for the second trimester of pregnancy should be nutritious and balanced. Not only for the mother’s sake but also for the baby on the way. However, it is not always easy to decide what to eat or, we have fallen into a monotonous menu that does not inspire us anything positive. Therefore, we have some ideas to help you solve this problem.

Yes, it is possible to indulge yourself and stay within healthy limits. Eating nutritious food is not synonymous with tasteless flavors, strict diets, and even less, low amounts. On the contrary, it is about learning to take advantage of the properties of the foods and the most flattering combinations that you can choose.

On the other hand, don’t be alarmed. Eating healthy doesn’t mean you have to spend more time in the kitchen, either. In fact, the vast majority of the alternatives will hardly take up your time, so you won’t have to ‘enslave’ yourself at all. Another great advantage of eating healthy is that many of the preparations can be left semi-finished, in order to advance part of the time you would spend on them.

The key to dinners for the second trimester of pregnancy

By knowing the properties of food and incorporating them in a balanced way in the weekly menu, we will be able to nourish ourselves in the appropriate way. This is the secret that many people find it difficult to see with the naked eye. There are no magic foods per se or fabulous diets, the only magic is in the awareness that we take about the quality of our diet.

Many women doubt the advisability of following a vegetarian diet while pregnant.

1. Zucchini omelette with potatoes and tuna

In this recipe, both vegetable and animal proteins are guaranteed. Thanks to the satiating effect of the potato, we will be able to satisfy the appetite with a good single portion. While, thanks to the tuna, we will obtain a fresh and delicious flavor on the palate that will be very pleasant.


  • 1 zucchini.
  • 3 eggs.
  • 1 red onion.
  • 2 medium potatoes.
  • 1 can of tuna in water.
  • Seasonings: salt, black pepper, olive oil (to taste).


  • The first thing to do is wash all the vegetables well.
  • Next we will peel and cut the potatoes into slices. Next, we will do the same with the zucchini.
  • On the other hand, we will cut the onion into julienne strips.
  • In a frying pan we are going to fry the potatoes until they crystallize. After they are ready, we take them out and drain them on absorbent paper.
  • In addition, we will beat the eggs in a glass bowl until the yolks and whites are completely integrated.
  • We integrate all the ingredients in the pan and cook over medium heat, with a lid, for 5 minutes.
  • We turn the tortilla and let it brown on the other side.
  • Once ready, we can accompany our first of our dinners for the second trimester of pregnancy with a delicious salad or a natural fruit smoothie.

    2. Crepes with salad

    Ensuring the presence of vegetables in the diet is essential. These foods contain nutrients that have been shown to be important for the prevention of complex pathologies.


    • 1 egg.
    • 1 cucumber
    • Lettuce leaves.
    • Grated carrot.
    • 4 small tomatoes.
    • 80 grams of mushrooms.
    • 100 grams of cornmeal.
    • 1 cup of semi-skimmed milk.
    • Seasonings: salt and pepper to taste; balsamic vinegar.
    • Optional: fresh oregano (for garnish).


    • To prepare the second of our dinners for the second trimester of pregnancy, the first thing we will do is place the following ingredients in a bowl: milk, eggs, flour, salt, pepper.
    • We mix until obtaining a homogeneous cream.
    • In a non-stick pan, previously greased, we are going to pour a little of the cream. We let brown on both sides.
    • In a salad bowl we will place the finely cut lettuce, the onion and tomato cut into squares, the grated carrot, the mushrooms and the cucumber cut into thin slices.
    • After that we add the dressing of our liking and stir the preparation.
    • For the presentation we will only have to place the salad on the crepes and decorate with a little fresh oregano.

    3. Chicken salad with spinach

    Spinach is characterized by its contribution of vitamin C. This nutrient helps ensure the proper functioning of the immune system, according to a study published in the journal Nutrients .

    Savory recipes for babies 6 to 9 months include very nutritious salads.


    • 1 chicken breast.
    • The juice of 1 lemon.
    • 150 grams of spinach.
    • 150 grams of lettuce.
    • 80 grams of sweet corn.
    • Seasonings: salt to taste, honey mustard dressing or tartar sauce.
    • Optional: some slices of goat cheese.


    • To prepare the third of the dinners for the second trimester of pregnancy, the first thing we will do for this recipe is to cook the chicken in water seasoned with salt and pepper.
    • In a bowl we will place the lettuce, the tomato cut into segments (without seeds), the spinach (without the stem), the corn and the shredded chicken, with all this in the bowl.
    • Add the dressing together with the lemon juice and stir well. 
    • Serve with a couple of slices of multi-grain whole wheat bread.

    Prepare nutritious recipes during pregnancy

    Remember that dinners during this stage of pregnancy should be taken at least two hours before going to sleep. In this way, we will have enough time to digest and, with it, get a good rest. On the other hand, it must be borne in mind that dinners can always be varied, there is no reason to eat the same thing every night. For example, crepes can be made into a sandwich and salads into side dishes, rather than main dishes.

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