How To Tone The Buttocks?

The buttocks are responsible for keeping the pelvis stable, expanding the hips and reducing pressure on the knees. Learning how to tone them will help you feel better and stay in shape.
How to tone the buttocks?

A good figure is characterized by the definition of the muscles of the body. Both men and women agree that they want defined buttocks to look better. This includes being able to wear certain items of clothing that stand out when your buttocks have been toned and strengthened.

But not everything is vanity. For those who play sports like running, the buttocks are more important muscles than you think. Among the functions of the buttocks are:

  • Keep the pelvis stable.
  • Expand the hip.
  • Collaborate in the alignment of the torso, pelvis and legs.
  • Decrease the pressure on the knees

Additionally, not working your glutes is associated with injuries such as tendonitis, cramps, and knee injuries. In general, people pay more attention to strengthening the abdomen, legs and back, but not to strengthening the glutes.

The shape of the buttocks

The most important factor in the size and shape of the buttocks is genetics. However, with a proper diet to develop muscle mass and exercise they can be shaped, for example by practicing swimming. You don’t have to get frustrated, just work hard and be consistent to get that much-desired change.

The most important thing to tone the buttocks is perseverance when practicing exercises. Nothing extra is required. In fact, exercises to strengthen the glutes can be done at home or at the office.

Exercises to tone the buttocks can be done at home.

Exercise program to tone the buttocks

Here are some very practical examples:

Exercise I

  • You can start with the simplest practice.
  • Stand with your feet aligned shoulder-width apart.
  • Contract your glutes as much as possible for 10 seconds.
  • Then relax again.
  • Repeat between 8 and 10 times.

Exercise II

  • Stand next to a wall or chair, as this exercise requires balance.
  • Bend one knee and then bring the leg back.
  • You should contract your glutes and hold this position for about five seconds.
  • Then return to the starting position, switch legs and repeat.

Exercise III

  • This exercise to strengthen the glutes is called a hip extension. Kneel on the ground with your hands also on it, that is, on all fours. Take care that the back is straight.
  • Raise the leg backward like a kick until the leg muscle is fully stretched.
  • Return to the starting position.
  • Perform a series of several repetitions.
  • Then switch legs.
  • To perform this exercise, you must stretch your foot when you kick, because this promotes blood circulation.

Exercise IV

  • It is a variation of the hip extension described above.
  • Get back on all fours and make sure your back is straight.
  • Raise the leg back bent until it is aligned with the back. This will maximize the flex.
  • Return to the starting position.
  • Perform a series of several repetitions.
  • Then change legs.
  • Both this exercise and the previous one can be performed with weight anklets for best results. This is to increase the volume of the muscles and make your glute appear more prominent.

    Exercise V

    • Standing, extend one leg back.
    • Then raise backwards forming a 45º angle with respect to the straight body.
    • The leg should remain straight as well.
    • Throughout the movement you must squeeze to strengthen the glutes.
    • Hold the position for about five seconds.
    • Then lower the leg and switch to perform the movement with the other.
    • Ideally, do sets of eight repetitions to strengthen the glutes.

    Exercise VI

    • This exercise is called the lunge stretch.
    • It is ideal to perform after a race. Start standing up.
    • Then take a step forward.
    • Subsequently lower the knee that has been left behind with a controlled movement.
    • This knee that is level with the floor should be in line with the ankle.
    • This position is held for about 20 to 30 seconds.
    • Finally, the leg is exchanged and the muscles continue to be worked.
    Lunges are appropriate exercises to tone the glutes.

    Exercise VII

    • This exercise to strengthen the glutes is called a heel lift. The first thing is to stand in front of a stable or solid wall.
    • Stand in front of the wall and keep about half a meter away.
    • Support both hands at the same height, at shoulder level.
    • Separate your feet in line with the width of your hips.
    • Raise your heels as high as possible.
    • Then return to the starting position.
    • The effectiveness of this exercise depends on the number of repetitions that are performed.
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