Remedies For Overheating Rash In Your Baby

Here are some remedies for the rash that appears due to excess heat on your baby’s skin
Remedies for overheating rash in your baby

Basically the rash is a rash that is characterized by inflammation of the skin, redness and itching. Although it is not contagious or considered a serious condition, it is usually quite annoying. Especially for babies.

The rash that appears in the dermis from excess heat or humidity can occur as a result of excess clothing or that the fabric of this does not allow the skin to breathe properly. For this reason, it is recommended to review the materials with which we dress babies.

As in the case of remedies for mosquito bites, these should not be applied to the skin of babies without prior medical consultation. On the other hand, these remedies seek to alleviate discomfort, but they cannot eradicate them.

Home remedies to relieve the rash

Cassava starch

Take 1 cassava and grate it until it is powdered. In a bowl with mineral water, add the yucca and stir. When the powder dissolves into the water, strain the mixture. Discard the bagasse and put the liquid in the sun for several days in a clean container.

Once the water evaporates, a whitish powder will remain at the bottom of the container. That is the starch of the yucca that you can apply on the baby’s skin as if it were talcum powder where he has the rash.

Baking soda water

If you want to relieve the itchiness and prevent the baby from constantly scratching the area where the rash has, we recommend that you give him a cool water bath with baking soda. In this way you will be able to relieve the itching and prevent the skin from being abused.

It should be noted that this remedy is much more effective if, once the bath is over, we dry the skin with a soft towel without rubbing. On the other hand, we recommend that you put cotton garments on it, since this fabric allows the skin to breathe.

Cucumber home remedy to cure rash.

Cucumber smoothie

Take 1 fresh cucumber, cut it into slices (without removing the rind) and place them in the blender. Add a little water and beat until disintegrated.

Refrigerate for a few minutes but don’t wait for it to get too cold. Once it is ready you can apply it on the rash.

Cucumber is a very fresh vegetable that will alleviate the condition. Remember that, once you apply it, you should let it act for a few minutes and then rinse gently. Repeat the procedure as many times as necessary.

Chamomile infusion

Chamomile is an herb with multiple beneficial and harmless benefits. Therefore, it can be used to relieve baby skin rash.

To combat the effects of excess heat, you just have to prepare an infusion of chamomile. Either with a sachet (typical supermarket presentation) or with the leaves of the plant (which can be found in herbalists). Once the infusion is ready, place it in the refrigerator for 15 minutes.

Apply it with a cotton ball on the rash, dabbing it gently, without applying much pressure. No need to rinse when finished. 

Aloe Vera water

Take a stem of aloe vera and cut it into small pieces. Place them in a container with boiled water and then put them in the refrigerator for 2 days. To apply it, you just have to use a little cotton.


Cornstarch is another ingredient capable of relieving excess heat rash. You just have to take a little cornstarch and spread it carefully on the affected skin. 


Calendula infusion

Like chamomile, calendula has multiple benefits and is a common ingredient in creams, lotions, and ointments to combat skin irritations.

If you have leaves and stems of this plant on hand, we suggest you prepare an infusion with them, let it cool, and apply it on the rash (as a poultice) several times a day.

Calendula-based natural remedies to treat rash

Another alternative for the rash

The remedy that we propose below can be prepared with over-the-counter drugs and, in principle, does not contain any element that could be harmful to health.

However, you should first consult with your pediatrician before applying it. Remember that an allergic reaction to some component is always possible.

Drugs for Rash Formula:

  • 1 azithromycin tablet.
  • 5 prednisone tablets (5 mg).
  • 1 bottle of zinc and calamine lotion.

Preparation method:

  • Crush the tablets and add them to the zinc calamine lotion bottle.
  • Shake the knob so that the pills dissolve well.
  • Gently clean the area where the rash is located and apply the mixture with a little cotton.
  • Wait a few moments for the skin to absorb the remedy and then dress your baby in a clean cotton garment.
  • EYE! It is not recommended to expose the baby to the sun as this remedy can stain the skin. Which is why it is recommended to apply it overnight and remove it in the morning before leaving home.

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