5 Things To Be A Good Stepmom

5 things to be a good stepmom

Do you want to be a good stepmother but are afraid of the popular rivalry against stepchildren? A stepmother does not necessarily have to be bad like in fairy tales. There are several factors that influence, but it is not impossible to have a good relationship with your partner’s children.

In You Are Mom we leave you a list of things you can do to be a good stepmother:

1. Don’t demand that they call you ‘mom’

Having a good relationship with stepchildren is every stepmom’s dream. When they do, some feel so comfortable that they begin to feel like they are mothers. But you are not and obviously, you already knew this.

The first step to being a good stepmom is not wanting to label yourself mom. . If you already asked them to tell you mom and they do, they may do it because they know you like that. But you should never force them.

2. Only give advice when asked

give advice

While you want to see yourself as a good stepmother, you may be forgetting something very important: your stepchildren also drink decisions . They don’t need you to do what they were able to do and they don’t need you to give them an opinion that they didn’t ask for.

Being a good stepmother means giving them their space and being there for when they look for you . Just remember that their telling you their stuff doesn’t necessarily mean they want your opinion.

Pay close attention to every word they say to you and don’t abuse their trust. If they ask you not to tell their father, be wise and don’t do it. If they ask for your opinion, think carefully about what you are going to say and let them know that they can count on you . This way they will be encouraged to look for you in case they need advice.

3. Don’t blame them for not being able to spend enough time with your partner.

If you feel uncomfortable watching your husband spend a lot of time with his children, the smartest thing you can do is share his joy. Let him share with his children.

The time will come when your husband will spend time with you. Think that the more problems you have with your husband , the more he will get tired of sharing with you . Then it would not be your stepchildren who keep you away from him, but yourself.

If you want to be a good stepmom, you have to allow that quality time between father and children. Another fact that you should know is that children never stop being children. Even if they are adults, they need to share with their father and, if necessary, ask for help in whatever they need.

4. Don’t urge your adult stepchildren to have children because you want to be a grandmother.

Being a grandmother is a very beautiful experience that every woman wants to go through. Even if you have not had children, the children of your stepchildren will fill you with joy like a grandmother. But this thought should not lead you to force them to have children early.

A good stepmother respects the decisions of her husband’s children . Do not forget that we are living in a time of entrepreneurship, they have their own life plans and dreams to fulfill.

5. Avoid owning the house where they have always lived


It stands to reason that your getting married gives you a new position in the home. But you must not forget that your husband lives in that house with other people: your stepchildren.

Everyone has a way of life and it would not be fair if you want to change everything. Respect must prevail and you must accept each other’s differences. If you want to live peacefully, understand that everyone lives in that house and no one should have extra privileges.

Be a good stepmother It begins by understanding that you have limits that you cannot exceed to maintain harmony at home.

It is not impossible to be a good stepmother

You see, in the end fairy tales don’t have to apply to real life. There’s a lot families in which daddy’s new wife is loved by everyone. The secret to achieving this is respect and do not try to occupy a place that does not correspond to you.

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