Is It Good For A Young Child To Speak Many Languages?

Is it good for a young child to speak many languages?

If you have young children, you have probably wondered where the limit is and how good it can be for a boy to speak many languages. Or maybe it is better to focus on a particular language. Or equal, at most, only two. So we try to clear up this question by seeking the opinion of specialists.

And is that There are many myths about whether raising a bilingual child is good or may end up causing more confusion. This is why many parents are discouraged believing that they will end up causing speech delays. Or maybe it’s too late to start. but it is certainly not like that. That is why we tell you the reasons for you to stop believing in these completely false and unscientific myths.

Science and languages ​​in children

Well, according to the experts, in order to facilitate learning and avoid problems for the child, in the event that the little one grows up in a multilingual family, a series of rules will have to be followed, and it is as simple as for the little one to associate a parent to a language.

In any case, in this type of situation it is true that you have to start speaking to them in both languages ​​as soon as possible. In this way , the child is able to identify as soon as possible which is the minority language, that is, the one that is not spoken in that country.

Keep in mind that it is not only about speech, but also about writing. And it is that in the child writing and spelling in the language in which it is taught at school will predominate. But that does not mean that the language that is not spoken at home should be ignored. What’s more, it also has to be taught, albeit through fun activities.

Children learn languages ​​at high speed

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It has been shown that children, when exposed to several languages, learn them much faster than adults. So it is essential to promote this aspect from a young age, whether they are raised in a bilingual environment or if we take the child to a school of these characteristics.

One of the most important factors for children to be able to express themselves in several languages ​​is through the parents’ own attitude. And it is that if they face it as a distressing situation for the little ones, it will be too.

There are no delays in bilingualism

Raising bilingual children does not cause speech delays as has been believed for quite some time. Although it is true that some guys usually take a little longer to start talking. However, it is something temporary and very brief that will not have major repercussions. So if we talk about a significant delay and take into account, it is not true.

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Do not be afraid if at first the children mix the two languages, because it is not important or serious. Confusing languages ​​is harmless. The boy can distinguish their languages ​​well and simply this mixture occurs because one of them has more influence than the other. That causes a lack of vocabulary in the minority language. It is temporary and disappears as the child grows and their vocabulary is enriched.

And if you have not yet started raising a child under bilingualism, but would like to, remember that it is never too late to do so. Learning a second language is easier for children under the age of 10. Mind you, not long after. When the puberty period begins, new languages ​​have been shown to be stored in a different area of ​​the brain. Therefore children have to translate or use their mother tongue to guide them.

Bilingualism is good for the little one

Don’t worry if at first you notice symptoms that you can interpret as difficulties. They really aren’t because children learn fast and absorb knowledge at a great rate. Although it is better for children to memorize a new language the earlier the better. This way they will be exposed to it, it is not an obligation for them and you can do it at any time you consider.

Remember that being bilingual has many advantages. This is the case of increasing the ability to think more flexibly. Also to achieve this effect on your child you will have time until approximately ten years. It’s never too late.

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