This Short Will Teach Your Children Never To Give Up

This short will teach your children never to give up

This beautiful Pixar short will teach your children not to decay, to jump with life, to fight, to be part of their cycles and above all, never to give up. Because in this complex and always demanding world, we must be able to raise emotionally strong children, people capable of overcoming adversity.

“Bounding” (jump, jump) is a short that despite having almost 14 years since its premiere, we still love it. Generation after generation continues to understand the message and above all, is inspired by two of its protagonists: the little lamb and that somewhat strange creature, something big and all heart: the rabbit.

In “You are Mom” we suggest that you see this small production with your children. It is fun, it is captivating and it certainly invites us to more than one reflection that we want to share with you.

Whatever happens, you never have to give up

give up short by pixar

We teach our children to speak, we teach them manners, to cross the zebra crossings when the traffic light is green, and we help them to locate where Venus is in our solar system. Now … are families and schools concerned with transmitting to children the value of resilience, of personal improvement? Maybe we teach you that you should never give up, no matter how difficult things get?

When we get frustrated, we give up

The path to emotional independence is through learning to control frustration. One thing we all know is that children are self-centered by nature: they want everything and they want it NOW.

  • If we don’t teach them early on that sometimes things don’t go the way they want, we’ll give the world people who give up quickly, people angry with themselves and with their environment because they don’t have good self-esteem.

One way to promote their emotional growth is by teaching them that sometimes life is not fair, but instead of giving up, the ideal is to be patient, be smart and wait for the right moment to act, to “jump.”

Life is stages and cycles that we must understand

Our protagonist is a little lamb full of energy, vitality and happiness. He is a great dancer, he is warm with his wool and everyone in Nature loves him, greets him and is impregnated with his joy.

  • Until suddenly, the time of shearing arrives. The little lamb is left without its wool, naked, helpless, small and fragile. 
  • Sadness and depression hangs over him. Stop jumping, laughing, looking at the world with hope.
give up short by pixar

Until the rabbit appears and with success, grace and wisdom he gives a good lesson to the little lamb.

  • It makes you understand that life is about change, and before each change the only thing that counts is non-surrender and the strength of our own mind to face adversity.
  • The changes also invite us to apply new strategies to emerge strengthened and renewed. In our short, the little protagonist is a wonderful dancer. However, after losing your wool, it may be time to make changes. .. It is time to jump, to touch the sky, to put aside sadness to overcome yourself.

    Don’t give up son, you must jump VERY HIGH

    child with his mother

    As parents we want the best for our children: the best clothes, the best school, the best comforts …

    However, let us never lose the emotional compass that will guide children towards what really matters: their happiness . We must be guides and architects of an upbringing where we promote their psychological well-being so that they always feel strong and capable to face their daily challenges jumping high, touching that sky that they undoubtedly deserve.

    • Jumping high is understanding that you are loved and worthy of fighting for your own dreams.
    • To jump high is to teach them that sometimes life is complicated, but that within us there are all the resources to overcome, to be happy again.
      • Jumping high is not giving up, it is understanding that no one has the right to hurt us, to tell us that we do not deserve to be happy, that we are inferior, ugly, naive or clumsy.
      • Jumping high is finding strength in our own self-esteem to gain momentum and touch the moon to dance with the stars.
      • Jumping high is jumping first with our children so that little by little, they are the ones who travel their own paths to higher heights, in freedom and happiness.

      To conclude, let’s learn that it is never too early to educate our children in Emotional Intelligence, teaching them not to give up, that they are worthy of always having a smile on their faces and joy in their hearts.

      Enjoy the short with your children.

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