Why Do Children Like Paw Patrol So Much?

Do you have small children? They sure are hooked on The Paw Patrol! Find out why this series is so successful!
Why do children like Paw Patrol so much?

The Paw Patrol , also known as PAW Patrol or Puppy Patrol , is one of the favorite series of the little ones in the house. But what is the reason for this great success? Why do children like the series so much? Along the following lines we will try to answer these questions.

Keep in mind that, thanks to streaming platforms , today, most children have at their disposal a wide catalog of animated series to enjoy. However, many of them ask to see the Paw Patrol again and again . Read on and discover some of the factors that explain this phenomenon.

The Paw Patrol.
© Issued by Nickelodeon Network; Spin Master Studios / Guru Animation Studio

Series plot

The Paw Patrol is a children’s series starring a group of puppies and a 10-year-old boy, who is an expert in technology. The dogs that make up the patrol show very different personalities and each one of them has a special ability. This allows them to satisfactorily solve the problems that occur in Bahía Aventura, the place where they live.

Thus, the puppies, together with the child, work as a team for the good of the citizenry and face a different mission or challenge every day.

Why do children like Paw Patrol so much?

One of the reasons that has made The Paw Patrol a success is the song that plays at the beginning of each chapter, which is characterized by being very catchy and easy to learn. This makes the little ones sing it non-stop and that the fathers and mothers who watch the series with their children cannot get this famous melody out of their heads.

Another factor that makes children fall in love with this series is the fact that each of the puppies is attributed a color, a race, a profession and an ability that defines them. Thus, the little ones can easily recognize the puppies and tend to show a preference for some of them.

Likewise, the way the story is told is also important when analyzing the popularity of the series. All the episodes of The Paw Patrol follow the same pattern, so they are very easy to follow:

  1. A problem occurs that takes place in Adventure Bay.
  2. The puppies and the child meet and discuss the problem.
  3. They select one or more members of the Paw Patrol to solve it, depending on the skills that are necessary to overcome the mission.
  4. The chosen dogs carry out the pertinent tasks to solve the matter.
  5. They solve the problem and everyone ends up happy.

In addition, in each chapter several funny situations are shown, which add a touch of humor to the plot.

The marketing campaign behind the series

To the aforementioned we must add the importance of the marketing and advertising campaign behind this series. You just have to go to any toy store to find out. The shelves are full of different toys and products with the faces of the puppies The Patrol Dog Show, which inevitably draws attention to the smallest of the house.

Protagonists of The Paw Patrol.
© Issued by Nickelodeon Network; Spin Master Studios / Guru Animation Studio

About Paw Patrol …

Despite the fact that today there are many series and animated films about animals, it seems that The Paw Patrol has something special, since there are millions of little ones who, all over the world, unconditionally follow the adventures of these puppies. That is why this is considered one of the great children’s series of the moment.

As we have seen, The Paw Patrol has the perfect ingredients to dazzle children, especially those who are between 2 and 7 years old, but also their mothers and fathers, who enjoy each of the chapters with their children. .

In short, this series is marking a whole generation and now you know why this is happening.

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