Fables For The Little Ones

Fables for the little ones

Who does not remember some of the fables that he knew in childhood? For every parent, raising their children in a way that is truly detached from selfishness is not always easy, but it is necessary. And is that generosity is one of the values ​​that have to be instilled in children through creative strategies.

For this reason parents have to lead the way, since this will also help them to have much less difficulties when interacting with other children. And for this, the fables for the little ones are ideal. We know them.

Why tell fables to the little ones?

To give them these values, many times a good way is to resort to a series of children’s fables that we see below. With them, children will learn the importance of sharing and being generous with others.

Field mouse, city mouse

This fable is about friendship. It tells of a mouse that lived in a humble burrow in the field, and when it was hungry, it looked for fruits to eat. Said little animal led a quiet life.

One day a mouse cousin of his who lived in the city came to visit him. The field mouse invited him to eat herb soup, but the city mouse did not like this invitation.

After a journey of both cousins ​​through the city, the field mouse concluded that he would never exchange his tranquility for so many material things.

Goldilocks Fable

This is a fable about what can happen when you walk into the house of someone you don’t know. This story tells the story of what happens when a family, with father, mother and bear son, finds a girl, who is Goldilocks, in their house.

After living a series of experiences in his home, Goldilocks comes to the conclusion that he should never enter a house again without asking its owners permission first.

The fable of Goldilocks is one of the most popular.

Fable of the greedy giant

This fable speaks of the value of cooperating with others. She tells how three granddaughters help her grandmother, and how through cooperation, she not only helps her day to day, but also saves themselves from certain somewhat more dangerous situations.

The fox and the stork

The Fable of the Fox and the Stork is a short story that serves to give valuable lessons on honesty and solidarity.

He talks about the relationship of a fox and a stork and how the fox’s evil arts eventually turn against himself.

Lettuce and plate

This fable deals with the theme of generosity. It tells of a child who finds a worm in a lettuce leaf. Instead of eating it, what it does is take it to the garden so that the little worm can live.

The dove and the ant

In this fable of the dove and the ant, children will learn to value respect, gratitude and reciprocity in the favors received.

Let us remember that fables are not only used to entertain. They are also useful for educating the little ones in the house.

The magic of fables connects everyone.

The sons of the farmer

This fable is ideal to teach children the value of solidarity. It shows all that can be achieved when two or more people come together and collaborate with each other to achieve a common goal. In short, it teaches values ​​such as that unity is strength.

This fable tells the story of the two sons of a farmer who were always arguing. They fought over anything. Also, with every fight they stopped talking to each other.

They were proud, and it was difficult for their father to improve these feelings. So he thought he had to teach them a lesson, so the farmer called them and asked them to go to the forest and bring them firewood.

The boys obeyed, but began to compete to collect more logs. Finally, they saw that the two together would have more strength to carry out these tasks.

The fox and the grapes

This fable serves to teach children that on many occasions, if we want to achieve what we want, we have to face the difficulties and adversities that come, and that we must not lose interest but fight for them.

The two friends

In this fable a message is taught in which friendship is valued. It is a necessary story, since nowadays, true friendship is rare. Many people are selfish and forget that happiness is in friendship and true love.

Both stories and fables are ways to convey important messages to our children. If we know how to use them properly, we will be able to provide them with great values ​​that will remain with them for life and will help them grow up with integrity and develop with others.

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