Mom: I Have My First Exhibition!

Mom: I have my first exhibition!

Doing homework with our son is a challenge as a mother. That’s why when our little one tells us that he has his first exhibition, even we panic. Peaceful! To win this battle we give you the best advice.

When children begin to have a school life, one of the things that generates the most nervousness are the exhibitions. Facing an audience to present a topic is something that often creates anxiety.  So when our son comes home from school and asks us for help, we know that we must support him to face this experience.

Many authors have dedicated themselves to writing about how to face stage fright and expose correctly. It is important to note that not all exposures are the same.

According to the age of the child, they will have different levels of difficulty. Performing this task will never be the same for a 6-year-old as it is for a preteen.

Ideally, as moms we know how to handle the situation, understanding the most suitable way of learning for our spoiled. Not all are the same, some turn out to be very skilled in communication, while others are a little more shy.

Strategies for making the first exposure


Here are some practical tips to help your child excel in this assignment:

  • We must sit with the child to guide and support him in the study process. This is usually the most delicate phase, but if we are patient, we can achieve it.
  • Once we handle the topic that he has to speak in front of his classmates, it is necessary to teach him to find all the possible information. Using the Internet, magazines, and books is ideal to get what you want.
  • Although in older years the digital presentation tool is used, an excellent option is the sheets. In this way our child will be able to express his creativity through drawings, schemes, colors and keywords.
  • It is essential to point out to the little one that he should not learn the content by heart, and that it is much better to analyze the information and express it with his words.
  • Finally, we must sit with the child to guide and support him in the study process. This is usually the most delicate phase, but if we are patient, we can achieve it.

What should an exhibition contain?


There are some guidelines that we can teach our son to get a good grade. One aspect to take into account is the presentation of the topic. In this way, the classmates and the teacher will be able to understand more clearly what is going to be expressed.

The use of audiovisual material is vital, for which we must indicate to the child that this will be his support during the exhibition, so that he will be able to observe the sheet without inconvenience, even if he forgets something. The little ones will feel calm showing the images that they drew and painted.

A good conclusion will be a closing with a flourish. Here we can encourage our son to convey his opinion on the subject, no matter if it is long or short. This is the process in which what you have learned is evaluated and confidence in your own ideas is strengthened.

Motivate the child to speak in public

Anticipation is the best weapon against stage fright. Therefore, an excellent idea is for the child to practice the exhibition over and over again with their family members as spectators. The simulations can be done from time to time so that the little one does not collapse. Remember that practice is what makes perfect.

And during practice, applaud all their interventions. Another option is to read them stories or phrases so that they are programmed to avoid stage fright. A tender voice in your ear before going to sleep will convey a message that will enter your subconscious and that you will understand little by little.

Don’t confuse grief with learning failures. If our son finds it difficult to express himself in the exhibition or he forgets words, the only thing that may be involved is stage fright.

Remember that each child is unique and logically, each one will develop their own forms of expression. Patience and a lot of tact will be virtues that must prevail.


Holding an exhibition requires teamwork. We cannot assume this responsibility, it is necessary to involve the infant in the process.

It does not matter if the finish in the tasks is not the best, the fundamental thing is that the child gradually acquires skills to perform their school tasks. In conclusion, every first presentation must be done with patience, teamwork, practice and perseverance.

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