5 Reading Problems In Children

Reading problems in children can be very frustrating. However, there are many teaching strategies that are effective and can help you. These can be practiced by the parents together with the child to help him develop reading skills and gain self-confidence.
5 reading problems in children

Reading is the process by which the understanding of certain information occurs and is transmitted through language. However, on some occasions and due to reading problems in children, understanding is not developed properly.

These problems can be due to various causes; for example, these can be environmental, language or speech problems. What are the most common reading problems in children? How can your parents help?

Signs that indicate reading problems in children

There are signs that can tell you that your child has reading problems. For example, if you show difficulty understanding and following tasks or remembering what someone just said to you.

Also, if you struggle to master skills such as reading, spelling, and writing. In addition, these children have trouble controlling irritation and identifying words. Or, they may have a tendency to write numbers or words backwards.

What are the reading problems in children?

There are many conditions that can affect a child’s ability to read. These reading problems in children include:

1. Dyslexia

This learning difficulty is very common; children with this condition have difficulty recognizing letters. Also, they may have trouble rhyming and pronouncing words that are totally new to him.

On the other hand, they may forget words that they have previously seen; or you could just skip them and not know where to put them.

The dyslexia can affect writing, spelling and speaking skills. However, the fact that a child suffers from this problem does not mean that he is not intelligent, since there are many people who suffer from this and have been successful in life.

Reading problems in children should be solved with the help of parents and teachers.


This problem is known as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder; It can make it hard for your child to concentrate to read.

Also, those who suffer from this problem can be restless and start to touch everything due to the frustration they feel. He may even misbehave in the classroom, to hide his inability to perform a certain task.


This is auditory processing disorder ; it affects a child’s ability to process the information he hears, which may cause him to not understand what another person is saying.

On the other hand, the child with this disorder has problems pronouncing new words or hearing the differences between the sounds of the letters B and D.

Reader delay

Generally, it appears in children between the ages of 6 and 8. It manifests itself as a delay in acquiring the skills and abilities needed for both reading and writing.

Visual difficulty

When suffering from this disorder, the child has difficulty distinguishing between letters and shapes. Also, you may not be able to see in the correct order.

How to recognize causes of reading problems in children?

In order to know the causes of reading problems in children, take the following tips:

  • Talk to his teacher:  he might tell you what difficulties your child is having that is affecting his learning.
  • Request an educational evaluation:  In the event your child is evaluated by the school, you will be able to get additional care and other resources to help with the reading difficulty.
  • Talk to your doctor: tell him what you have seen at home or what the teacher has noticed, so that he can rule out any problems.
  • Take the child to a specialist: this will determine if he has any learning or attention difficulties.
Reading problems in children can be very frustrating, but they can be overcome.

How to help the child

Even if you’re not sure what is causing your child’s reading problems, there are ways you can help him. For example, carefully observing your child’s behavior is a key factor. It is also recommended that you read aloud together; This will help strengthen your skills.

Also, constantly praise your child for trying harder; Help him understand the importance of continuing to practice . And finally, try to place books and magazines that may interest your child in every place in your home.

In conclusion, reading problems in children can be very frustrating. However, with the help and emotional support of the parents, the child can overcome these difficulties and become a good reader.

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