Giving A Lot Of Toys To The Child Can Harm Him In The Future

Giving a lot of toys to the child can harm him in the future

More than giving away many toys, a child needs the time, company and guidance of their parents, who often kill themselves working to satisfy their children’s tastes and needs and are sometimes the cause of the hyper-gifted child syndrome.

As children grow older and begin to watch television, it is normal that, influenced by advertising, they ask for a fashionable toy or that they want all the toys in the world to be bought for them. At this time, parents must achieve balance and give them only the toys they need, without excesses.  Giving children too many toys can be detrimental to their proper emotional development.

What can happen to a child who receives too many toys? Well, in principle it will only happen that you will not use them all and –as you accumulate more and more toys- you will lose the illusion of receiving a gift and enjoying it ad nauseam. Ultimately,  the accumulation of toys could turn a child into a capricious, selfish and consumerist person.

Giving away many toys does not replace the absence

Certainly no parent in the world wants their child to become a materialistic person. However, there are many circumstances that promote this type of behavior; one of them is the constant barrage of advertising that most children are subjected to on a daily basis. Another one is the lack of time for many parents to play and talk with their children.

Many times, and unconsciously, parents decide to give their children many toys to supplement the time they are away from home with sophisticated toys that they should ideally invest in playing and enjoying with their children. However, in most cases the children prefer to spend more time with their parents.

Giving away lots of toys doesn't make up for family time

It is not about taking away the value of the toys, many of them have creative functions that help the development of the little ones, if not knowing how to choose them well, evaluating their quality and function and knowing if the child really needs them or if they are. deserves.

Learn to dose toys

In addition to measuring the amount of toys – which also concerns friends and other family – it is good that you learn to choose them. Remember that the best toy is not necessarily the one that costs the most or the one that is in fashion; The best toy for your child is the one that adapts to their needs,  their age and the one that helps them evolve as a person through the development of their abilities and potentialities.

Playing is one of the main tasks of children; they learn to deal with the world through play, which is why their relationship with toys is so important. Parents must be very attentive to their children’s games, because the way they play and the relationship with the games can give many clues to what the child feels inside.

Ideally, the toys that surround the child invite him to develop his imagination, his creativity and hone his skills.  That is why there are toys that never go out of style, since they promote healthy habits in children. Riding a bicycle, playing ball, learning to dress a doll or playing with cars are games that do not need expensive implements and invite the child to reset the consumerism button and change it for good times shared with the family.

Playing with your children will make them happier than having lots of toys.

More family games

The best gift you can give your children is to spend time with them, teach them to understand the value of things, to earn toys and to take advantage of the time with a healthy recreation away from the excesses and vices that modern life brings us. , the one that invites us to fill ourselves with material things to make up for the absence of love.

And remember that the “excess of love” expressed in the time you spend with your children, unlike the excess of toys, will never spoil it. So before filling your child’s room with lots of toys, try instead to make an effort as a parent to fill his life with unforgettable moments that fill him with real and positive experiences.

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