Sun Protection For Moles And Freckles

To avoid the appearance of moles and freckles or to prevent them from accentuating, it is necessary to use sunscreen. We will tell you more about it below.
Sun protection for moles and freckles

When summer arrives, it is essential to use sun protection since the incidence of the sun is even more direct. In those cases where the skin is prone to moles and freckles, this is more than mandatory. In fact, dermatologists recommend increasing the protection factor 2 months before the holidays, as a prevention.

Sun protection is more of a benefit than one more ‘task’ to be done, therefore, it is important to give it the priority it deserves. The skin is the most extensive organ of the skin and taking care of it reports not only health but well-being on a day-to-day basis, whether you are on the beach, in the mountains or in the pool.

Freckles and moles

Sun protection for freckled skin.

When melanocytes are damaged, freckles and moles appear. These spots can be benign or malignant and their extent can vary. In general, they have a darker pigmentation than the skin tone itself, therefore, they are easy to show. For example, in those people with white skin they have a brown color.

Now, there are certain differences between freckles and moles that are worth reviewing:

  • Moles can be raised and hair growth.
  • Freckles do not have any type of relief and no hair.
  • The size of moles can increase over time.
  • Freckles become more noticeable during the summer, as sun exposure is greater. On the other hand, in winter, they tend to fade or even disappear, as the case may be.

Both freckles and moles can appear due to lack of sun protection and prolonged exposures. They can also appear due to genetic factors. It is important that, when there is significant variation in a mole or freckles, consult with the dermatologist to assess what may be happening and how you can take care of it.

The importance of sun protection

The use of daily sun protection is one of the best measures that can be taken to prevent the sun from leaving unwanted traces on the skin. Remember that we are exposed to ultraviolet rays all year round, not just during a certain time.

On the other hand, dermatologists recommend gradually exposing the skin to the sun during the summer. In other words, do not aim for a tan in one day but expose yourself several times, for short periods of time, to the sun, until you achieve the desired tone. Of course, always using an appropriate sun protection factor and the rest of the appropriate clothing (hats and sunglasses).

Other products for moles and freckles

We all need sun protection.

The dermatologist will be the most indicated person to guide the use of other products for the care of moles and freckles, as the case may be. However, it is convenient to use neutral moisturizers and avoid certain products that can lead to the production of stains.

It should be noted that, although many home remedies promise the elimination of all types of spots (including freckles), you have to be very careful with them since they tend to have a ‘rebound’ effect with serious consequences for the skin.

For example, remedies that have lemon juice can lighten the skin, but it has to be washed very well and, under no circumstances, can it be exposed to the sun directly or the stain will be even more accentuated and may even look worse.

As for cosmetics, many already have protective factors built in, so it is worth including them among our products. Of course, this should not preclude the use of daily sunscreen.

Moles and freckles in children

Children’s skin needs to be well protected from the sun’s rays to avoid the appearance of moles and freckles. Especially moles, since many can progressively increase in size until they become a real problem in older ages. Once a mole appears and begins to grow, you have to go to the dermatologist.

Whenever they pose a health risk, the dermatologist will indicate removal of moles using various types of technology. The most popular is the laser, since its action is painless, immediate and also extremely effective.

Avoid overexposure to the sun and be careful to touch up the children’s sunscreen from time to time, especially if they are going to be in contact with an aquatic environment such as the sea, river, lake or swimming pool. And even if the product indicates that it is waterproof, do not trust and touch up the application every 2-3 hours.

Learn how to protect your baby from the sun

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