4 Sleeping Positions During Pregnancy

4 sleeping positions in pregnancy

If you are pregnant, sooner or later you will reach a point where you will find yourself at night dealing with yourself and with the bed,  in search of the best positions to sleep in pregnancy. This painting will gradually become a preamble to the dream.

Unfortunately, for most pregnant women the regular positions that they have adopted throughout their lives to fall asleep will no longer be of much benefit, since the belly will grow and prevent various positions.

You may wonder what is the reason why it is so uncomfortable for you to fall asleep with your usual postures? The truth is that there are many reasons, but in most cases  it is mainly due to the increase in the size of your belly, added to other physical and emotional changes that pregnancy entails.

The good news is that there are also a series of appropriate sleeping positions during pregnancy that every expectant woman can put into practice, and that will surely help you a lot to rest without having to toss and turn in bed.

Sleeping positions in pregnancy

Many pregnant women have chosen one of the following positions. Try all of them and discover which one best suits your body.

Lying on the left side of your body

This position is the most recommended by maternity experts, since sleeping on the left side helps blood and nutrients flow more easily to the uterus and therefore to your baby. It is also proven that with this position your kidney will be able to eliminate waste and fluids more easily.

There are a number of recommended sleeping postures in pregnancy.

Sleeping on your side with a pillow between your legs

One of the virtues of this position is that it will help you a lot to keep your spine straight. This will avoid putting all the weight of one leg on the other. Taking advantage of this position, you can also use long pillows that allow you to support your belly on them. This will give you more security when you sleep.

Elevate your feet

As your belly grows, a very uncomfortable problem may appear at bedtime: leg cramps and swollen feet. If you have a tendency to poor circulation and your legs swell, you can try sleeping with them upright by supporting them on some cushions. This will help the blood circulation flow and also prevent the appearance of varicose veins, stitches or cramps in the lower area of ​​your body.

Semi bent posture

If you experience discomforts such as gastritis, reflux or ailments related to bad indigestion during pregnancy, do not despair, it is a normal symptom. Acquiring a semi-sitting or inclined position with the help of pillows or support cushions will allow you to relieve that feeling and rest.

What positions should be avoided during pregnancy?

Sleep on your back

This position can cause you pain and even serious back problems, apart from negatively influencing the quality of breathing in the digestive system, favors the appearance of hemorrhoids, low blood pressure and can even cause a decrease in blood circulation to your heart and your baby’s.

Sleeping on your back is one of the postures not recommended during pregnancy.

Face down position

This is one of the least recommended sleeping postures in pregnancy along with the previous one. Sleeping on your back can cause you to suffer, among other things, from poor circulation, because all the weight of the uterus, intestines and inferior vena cava is placed on the back, which can also affect your digestion.

In addition to trying the sleeping postures in pregnancy described above, you can talk to your trusted doctor and ask him about the benefits and contraindications of the different positions. Go testing with the most recommended until you manage to be comfortable and relaxed. Don’t forget that getting a proper rest will do you and your baby good.

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