Secure Attachment Between Mother And Child

Attachment is essential in raising and caring for a baby. In this case, we are talking about secure attachment, the one that you should try to establish with your child.
Secure attachment between mother and child

Attachment is a bond that is created between the baby and its caregivers. Normally, the attachment figure is established with the parents and, to a greater extent, it usually occurs with the mother. Therefore, this article is about the secure attachment between mother and child.

Caregivers have the role of taking care of the basic needs of the newborn. Therefore, it can be said that attachment is essential for the survival of the human being,  although it does not appear in the first months of the baby’s life.

In this sense, it should be noted that  it takes some time (about seven or eight months) to create a strong bond with the parent. This bond is consolidated at the end of the first year.

Attachment theory

The psychologist John Bowlby devoted himself to studying childhood development, which led him to develop attachment theory. This is based on the need that every child has to maintain an affectionate, intimate and continuous relationship with a close person who provides protection and support.

According to this theory, there are four types of attachment:

  • The avoidant.
  • Insurance. 
  • The ambivalent or resistance.
  • The disorganized or disoriented.
    Secure attachment between mother and child.

The secure attachment is the one that must be tried to establish with a child, since it is the one that guarantees that the child feels loved and cared for. Thus, as he grows, he manages to develop a good concept of himself and others. In addition, by maintaining this emotional relationship, future physical and mental health problems can be prevented.

Secure attachment in childhood

Secure attachment refers to the strong and stable emotional bond that develops between a mother and a child. The moment this relationship is established, the baby continually seeks proximity and contact with the attachment figure.

In fact, in these cases, when the child is less than a year old and the mother disappears from his sight and is separated from him, he begins to protest and feel distressed. But, after the first twelve months of life, this situation changes.

The baby learns that, although his mother is not with him in some situations, she will always return, so he begins to seek more autonomy and independence. Except in the context that he perceives as threatening, where he will continue to need the presence of the attachment figure to be able to explore the environment. This happens because the mother provides security and emotional support.

Characteristics of secure attachment

A mother who wants to create a secure attachment relationship with her child has to focus on meeting the following characteristics:

  • Provide unconditional affection.
  • Act with sensitivity and affection.
  • Show permanent availability.
  • Attend to demand signals. 
  • Respond to different emotional states.

Consequences of secure attachment

The fact of establishing a secure attachment style also affects the future life of the person,  specifically, in their social relationships. These children have a positive attitude towards others, appearing confident and eager to meet new people.

Secure attachment between mother and child.

Also, when they are young or old, they tend to create long-lasting, intimate relationships based on love, empathy, support, mutual respect, and trust.

Therefore, if you intend to raise a child who performs perfectly in society, you must make sure to provide all your love and help from the first moment of his existence.


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