Week 32 Of Pregnancy

The expected date is approaching! While your baby’s brain finishes developing, you can take care of other logistics before birth.
Pregnancy week 32

In the 32nd week of pregnancy, the baby continues to grow in weight and height, in addition to having well-developed nails and brain. It is important that you continue to go to your routine medical consultations while planning everything for the future arrival of the little one.

If you want to know more in depth how it is developing and what are the symptoms you may feel these days, we invite you to continue reading.

How is my baby at week 32?

With the ecosonogram, the doctor will assess your baby at week 32 of pregnancy.
The ecosonogram is always a useful tool to assess how your baby is doing.

The long-awaited date is almost approaching! Your baby is more like the final shape he will be on the day of his birth. It is between 41 and 43 centimeters and weighs about 1700 grams. We would say it is the size of a cabbage.

In fact, you probably already have strong, but tiny nails on all of your fingers. These are high in collagen, which reveals the importance of a balanced diet during pregnancy to supply nutrients to your baby.

Even though he appears to be kicking all the time, he actually spends more time sleeping than awake. You even already have a well-defined sleep-wake cycle. He’s resting quite well, even if he won’t let you sleep!

Your brain should already be very well developed. The small grooves that divide the brain lobes have to be evident now, which increases the surface area of ​​this organ and facilitates the creation of more neuronal connections.

The baby’s other major organs should also be fully developed, except for the lungs. For its part, the accumulation of fat has been paying off; now the skin is dull and, thanks to the appearance of proteins and enzymes, the regulation of body temperature is more efficient.

If all goes well, he will take the cephalic position this week or he has already done it in the previous days. This means that the head is down, in the ideal position to be born through natural childbirth.

How can I feel in the 32nd week of pregnancy?

Although everything is going well in the womb, you may still have a bit of discomfort. Stay tuned for the following:

  • Braxton Hicks contractions : They appear for the first time mid-pregnancy and increase in frequency and strength as labor approaches, so they will be a little more intense this week. Keep in mind that they are characterized by being painless and disappearing.
  • Dyspnea and heartburn : Since the uterus is pushing up on the diaphragm and taking part of the stomach space, you are likely to experience shortness of breath and heartburn in the form of reflux, that is, a rise of a bitter taste through the chest .
  • Colostrum outflows : Colostrum is the precursor to breast milk and the baby’s first food. During pregnancy, the breasts become larger and begin to produce this substance, so it is likely that it will come out of your nipples as early as this week.
  • Pain or burning when urinating : in case of presenting this symptom, go immediately to a doctor, as it may be a urinary infection. When they are severe they carry complications, such as premature delivery.
  • Swelling in the legs: it may be normal for your feet to increase a little in volume, taking into account the increase in weight and the compression of the vessels that pass through the pelvis. If you develop edema in the entire lower limb, go to a medical service.
  • Back pain : it is very likely that you have already felt it in the previous weeks. Low back pain during pregnancy is due to the weight that the abdomen exerts forward, which forces the back to compensate for the movement.
  • Headache : anxiety and stress can cause pain in your body, including headaches. Try to take only the pain relievers prescribed by your obstetrician and do not self-medicate.

Tips and recommendations in week 32 of pregnancy

In week 32, with the imminent arrival of the baby, it is normal to want to know everything about the possible medical tests that you should take or the advice to follow. Let’s look at a bit of both in detail.

Go to the doctor in this period

Even though your doctor has scheduled your appointment for a time other than week 32, you should never stop attending the prenatal visit. It may seem boring (especially when ultrasounds are not indicated), but it is always necessary to have the baby’s heartbeat checked.

There are many cases in which mothers do not go to the obstetric consultation until the end of pregnancy or they have skipped intermediate controls. If this is your situation, the most likely thing is that the professional will ask you for some of the following complementary methods:

  • Complete blood count.
  • Blood chemistry.
  • Serology for HIV and VDRL.
  • Urine test.
  • Basic obstetric echography or with Doppler effect if necessary.

Your routine at week 32

If you went to the date and everything is in order, it is very likely that you have a lot of plans in your head. We recommend the following to make this period as memorable as possible and with low stress:

  • Seek support from your partner, friends, and family. Organize meetings with your loved ones to discuss what is happening to you and share experiences.
  • Think about where the baby will sleep and how you want to decorate the environment of his room.
  • In case you have other children, make sure they understand that a new member is coming into the family. We don’t want them to feel displaced!
  • Organize meals to eat smaller portions more often, 5-6 times a day.
  • Lying down for a long time can make Braxton Hicks contractions worse. A little exercise is enough to counteract its appearance. Try walking.

Frequently asked questions about week 32 of pregnancy

Here we answer some of the most frequent doubts of mothers in the 32nd week of pregnancy.

1. Am I preparing well for breastfeeding?

This aspect is very important and generally neglected. Breastfeeding is vital for the first moments of your baby’s life. Although it seems simple, it can be uncomfortable or painful if the proper technique is not learned.

We recommend that you consult with your obstetrician or future pediatrician about the most effective methods for breastfeeding, despite the fact that birth is still several weeks away. Tutorials, readings on the internet, mothers’ groups and other resources are useful for learning.

In the 32nd week of pregnancy it is convenient to learn the principles of breastfeeding.
Does it seem too early to learn about breastfeeding? It is not like this. You can go to talks or ask your doctor directly about this.

2. Will I require a cesarean section?

It depends on each case. This is usually a decision made by the treating physician with the mother. The risks of a cesarean section are usually greater than those of a normal delivery. Performing this surgery just for convenience is not ideal, and several organizations are working to reduce the rates of unnecessary cesarean sections.

If there is any pathology of the mother or baby, cesarean section may be indicated. For this reason, your doctor will most likely plan with you the best time to do the procedure.

3. Can I already know if it is a boy or a girl?

Yes of course. As of week 20, it was already possible to know it with enough certainty. If you haven’t been given the information yet, you can ask your doctor the next time you have an ultrasound.

A week to remember

As the special date approaches, it is important that you take advantage of each of the most important moments of this stage of your life. Put aside work a bit and focus on your loved ones. You will not regret!

Pregnancy week 33

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