Psychological Benefits Of Baby Massages

Massaging your baby has multiple benefits for their physical development, but it also positively influences their emotional health and yours.
Psychological benefits of baby massages

Some mothers find it natural to spend time each day giving their baby a massage; not others, and this is totally normal. However, this practice can be very positive for both of you.

Perhaps you already knew that, by doing so, you promote the baby’s blood circulation and strengthen his immune system ; and that, in addition, you can alleviate their stomach discomfort or the pain derived from the exit of the teeth. But today we want to talk to you about the psychological benefits of massages for babies.

The psychological and emotional development of children in their first months is closely related to the interaction they have with their parents. Massages are a moment of intimacy and connection that can have a very positive impact on the bond between the two. In addition, the mother can also benefit greatly from these spaces. Here’s why.

Psychological benefits of baby massages

Mother giving a massage to her newborn baby to benefit from the virtues of massage.

They induce a state of relaxation in the baby

The maternal uterus is a safe, warm and comfortable space in which the baby feels protected and in constant contact with his mother. At birth, he arrives in a hostile world, full of bright lights, intense sounds and in which he begins to feel hunger, fear or loneliness that he has never experienced before.

The massages give him back part of that connection with his mother, they allow him to enjoy her presence, her touch and her love. And this, added to the caresses of the massage, induces a state of calm and relaxation that is very beneficial for the little one.

They promote child development

During the massage, the infant receives attention, stimulation and affection from his mother. This encourages the development of healthy self-esteem, as it makes you feel important, valuable, and worthy of love and care. In addition, it enhances their attention and their ability to relate to the environment.

They reinforce the bond of attachment, one of the psychological benefits of massages for babies

The attachment bond defines the type of relationship that is established on an emotional level between the mother and the baby. This is mediated by the interaction between the two, so that the more frequent and satisfactory it is, the higher quality the link will have.

By massaging your baby, you provide quality care with which you can feel cared for and loved. Likewise, skin-to-skin contact favors mother and child to experience a greater secretion of oxytocin (the so-called love hormone); This enhances emotional ties and generates pleasant feelings of well-being.

Allow women to adapt to motherhood

Becoming a mother is a whole process; it is not something that is accomplished in a day or that is fully learned the moment a child is born. The woman needs to adapt to her new role, get to know her little one and learn to understand him.

One of the psychological benefits of massages for babies is that they allow the mother to interact with the child, observe his gestures and reactions and begin to understand him a little more and more. It is a pleasant activity that allows them to begin to know each other in depth.

Provide a sense of accomplishment

For a mother, her baby is the most important thing and she wants to take care of him and take care of him in the best way. However, many times you may not know well how to act or what you can do for him.

Mother giving her son a massage for the psychological benefits of baby massages.

By giving him a massage you are promoting his physical, cognitive and emotional development, you are improving his health and giving him affection, encouragement and comfort. And knowing that you are contributing so positively to your little one’s well-being can give her a pleasant sense of accomplishment and increased confidence in her abilities as a mother.

How to get the psychological benefits of baby massages?

You can start giving your baby massages from his first month of life and you can choose different times of the day to do them. The important thing is that both you and your little one are receptive at that moment, since it is a time of enjoyment. Thus, if either of you are too tired, irritated or nervous, it will be preferable to wait for another occasion.

The objective is not to see it as an obligation, but as a gift that you give yourself and your bond. Most babies usually enjoy massages after bathing, before sleeping or when waking up, but you can try to find out what time best suits your needs.

Special massages for your baby

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