Importance Of Family Harmony

Importance of family harmony

Family attunement is not something that is taught or learned, it is a kind of programming through which the whole group is linked. From a physical point of view, tuning is the ability to establish the same frequency between two radio devices. Therefore, it is a term that is used mostly in electronics and broadcasting.

However, experts in human behavior have managed to incorporate this term into the understanding of personal connection. That is, two or more people who connect with the same way of thinking or acting, it could be said that they are in tune. In this sense, at the family level there are greater chances of finding harmony, even without being able to believe it.

Some people might claim that in their family group, there is none of this. However, it is almost impossible for a family not to achieve these links. Although we know that there may be greater tuning with some members, it is a fact that the same frequency can be achieved. In this regard, we can point out that the frequency is established from the first days, if it is not achieved there is no family.

What is family tuning?

For the tuning between two devices to occur, it is necessary that both receive the same signal. In the same way, when a couple conforms, certain aspects of their life must go in the same direction. Most likely, there are emotional, intellectual and mental connections, for a couple to establish themselves firmly.

From now on, the relationship begins to function under the same frequency, with some variations. Therefore, during parenting, the same signal will be generated. Even knowing that each individual is different, it is possible that certain family connections are transferred identically.

So, family harmony is one that allows mothers to speak to their children without saying a word. It can also be seen in the relationship, where sometimes explanations are not necessary. This phenomenon allows alignment between the way of feeling and thinking of two or more people, even if it only happens under certain circumstances.

We are not necessarily connected all the time, but it is possible to identify the family attunement when we agree on something. For this reason, specialists consider that in the family it happens regularly, because there are always things that are done together without asking. Only in the family is it possible to align different personalities on the same frequency, it is important to maintain and preserve it.

Tuning in communication

As we have said, this physical capacity that allows devices to be connected through invisible waves, can be experienced in human communication. It is not a general state, it can occur only in some cases, but it is very powerful. Communicating accurately, understanding each other and agreeing means that we are in tune.

It is convenient to recognize that even if we do not believe it, we are tuned. The family has a lot of power to tune in, because it has been formed around similar signals. Hardly a group of siblings, cousins, parents, grandparents, could be so different in many ways. We may disagree or not fully sympathize with a member of the family, but we will do something about it.

As in physics once we move away from the frequency everything starts to sound distorted. The same thing happens in communication, we can move away from the agreement and return to it through some signals. Being tuned in all the time is possible, although it doesn’t necessarily have to be. The importance of family tuning is being able to tune in when necessary.

In human relationships, communication is decisive. We do not always get along with everyone we meet, it is perhaps because we are not on the same frequency. However, it is easy to find ways to sympathize with children, partner or friends.

The experiences lived are closely related to what we call frequency. In general, it is these experiences that connect us with other people. Knowing what to expect from someone or what they may like, is what we call signals, which we internalize in order to tune in to that person.

Although radio frequencies in radio tuning are artificial, other frequencies are naturally created in the human mind. Without being able to explain it, we approach our loved ones with more trust and honesty. Feeling safe within the family group and being able to maintain it means being in tune in many ways.

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