I Am A Mother And Opponent

Undertaking a new job challenge exercising 100% the role of mother supposes an extra dose of sacrifice and discipline. How to face this enormous challenge?
I am a mother and an opponent

You have completed your university studies and have established a family, but you still have not found the desired job to have a better quality of life with your loved ones. In the midst of this situation, you consider the possibility of being a candidate for the exercise of public office, a new challenge: being a mother and an opponent.

If you already have this alternative in mind, it is best to talk it over with your partner and make the decision together. With this, you will undoubtedly have their support during the preparation period for the various tests and requirements that you must meet for the selection process.

Being a mother and a full-time opponent is a situation that involves considering many variables; A simple solution has to be found that maintains the balance of family dynamics.

For example, the age of the boys and their dependence on maternal care, school routines or sports, among others. This is a complicated synchronization, but one that can be easily achieved by following a few tips.

Organize space and time

When initiating the opposition, it is advisable to locate a tutor or a specialist institution in the preparation for these cases. They have knowledge about the type of tests and the evaluation modality that will be very useful to you.

Another benefit is that the investment of study time using the aforementioned services will be much less and more productive, since you will get to the point in what you should study.

Working from home with children requires organization and, above all, help.

Something that can help you a lot is having a private space for your preparation as an opponent. It doesn’t have to be very broad, but it does have to be personal; It is enough with a desk where you can place your notes and in which it is easy for you to locate what you need when studying.

Once the two previous points have been completed, it is time to organize the schedules to be a mother and an opponent at the same time.

If you are with your children full time and they are still young, it is best to ask for the help of a family member when your partner cannot take care of them while you attend school or have an appointment with the tutor. If you don’t have one, consider hiring a babysitter.

Another option is to have fixed times for children’s activities at home, such as mid-morning or afternoon naps. Thus, while the children rest, it is the perfect time for you to make an appointment with your tutor at home, which in this case, is the best training option.

Now, if the boys are middle-aged and already in school, you can take advantage while they are in school to dedicate many more hours to preparing for your opposition. It may be a bit difficult at first, but meshing your duties as a mother and your studies is perfectly possible.

What happens when I am a mother and an opponent and also work?

While you are in the opposition, the opportunity for a part-time or shift job may appear and you need to take it; this usually comes in handy as an extra cash inflow. In this situation, you will most likely have to sacrifice the hours that you had for rest.

Your children will need someone to take care of them while you go to work and your attention when you get home, so you will have to consider the possibility of redirecting 1 or 2 hours that you had contemplated to rest to study.

This will be an extra sacrifice for a very short time. Although it will leave you more exhausted, it will bring benefits for your family from many points of view, as long as you know how to set the limits that your health demands. Remember that distraction is vital to regain energy and willpower.

The organization is key in the mission of being a mother and opposing.

Not everything is knowledge

While it is true that academic preparation is necessary for the opposition test, it is also necessary to be healthy in body and mind, so try to eat a balanced diet and do a little exercise. Also, don’t forget to share with the family despite your tight schedule; involve the children in the kitchen and exercise together with your partner.

To become a successful mother and opponent, you need discipline to match home life and your academic preparation. Every beginning is hard, but then the routine makes us assimilate the new rhythm of life to fulfill all our commitments more and more easily. Trust fully in your abilities; there are no obstacles that cannot be overcome.

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