4 Ideas To Make Your Wedding Invitation

If you are planning your wedding, you may not yet know how to invite your loved ones. The best way is looking for ideas to make your wedding invitation.
4 ideas to make your wedding invitation

If you are organizing your wedding, you will know that you must attend to many details. Even if it will be a family and intimate celebration. Therefore, in the following article we will give you some ideas to make your wedding invitation. They are going to like you!

Wedding invitations: information and data

It does not matter what the style or theme of the wedding is, if it is something very formal or completely informal. Well if it is done on a beach, in a room, day or night, in spring or autumn, invitations cannot be absent … What matters is that they are invitations that match your personality and the nature of the event. 

Although lately the trend is to send the invitations by mail or messages, some want to maintain the tradition and deliver them personally or by letter. Even if you are more technological or ecological and do not want paper invitations, they need a good design that includes certain “fundamental” information.

We refer to that information necessary for the guests to attend the wedding. Beyond what the protocol would indicate, they cannot be missing:

  • The names of the bride and groom (first hers, then his),
  • The day, time and place of the ceremony
  • The place of the party and the start time
  • The request for confirmation to the party

Some optional data are the name of the bride and groom’s parents and that of the godparents or witnesses. Of course, you always have the option to add a ‘personal touch’ and leave a nice message on the invitation. This can be a biblical quote, a fragment of a song, a little poem or whatever you like best.

The best ideas to make your wedding invitation

There are millions of ways to invite those we love to our wedding. Some grooms opt for more formal invitations, others for cards with fun shapes and colors. Also, there are the most original ones that add drawings, maps or colored ribbons. Some ideas to make your wedding invitation:

1. Simple invitation for your wedding invitation 

If you are a fan of the maxim ‘less is more’ then you should decide on a simple invitation, which you can even create yourself. You only need greaseproof paper, cardstock, glue, scissors, pencils and the printed text with the details of the invitation.

2. Invitation with photos

If you like the idea of ​​making a pre-wedding photo book , you will love this idea. They can go to a photo booth and take some funny snapshots (color or black and white) with the phrase: “We got married” and the date. This strip of photographs will be used as the center of the invitation. The rest is additional information (date, time, place, etc.) that can be added in different colors.

Getting married young is a difficult decision, but with many benefits.

Another idea is to make a kind of “memory album” with photographs of the boyfriends, babies, children, adolescents and with the current appearance. This is more personal and you should only do it in case you want to share these images with all the people you invite to your wedding. If you think those images are best kept in your privacy, then focus on a more neutral invitation. 

3. Full invitation

Some grooms have everything very well organized and they want their guests to have nothing lacking. A full invitation includes several cards with important information. The first (largest) is the invitation itself, with the details of the bride and groom and the celebration.

Then, one is added with the information of the ceremony, another about the gift and a third with the number of the table in the room. They do not all have to be the same. You can cut them in the shape of a heart, a circle, with rounded edges, etc. The important thing is that they all have the same design.

4. Invitation with story

Another of the ideas most used today for invitations is one that includes the love story of the couple. For example, where they have met, the places they have visited together, important memories, etc. If they are accompanied by drawings, maps or images, much better. The more details they have, the more personalized it will be and the more your guests will like it.

Couple discussions allow people to get to know each other better.

Of course there are many more ways to invite our family and friends to the wedding. For example, put the card in a bottle in the maritime style, in an elegant silver or gold envelope and even in puzzle format. The important thing is that it is something that identifies you as a couple!

Therefore, take enough time to find the way that you like the most to make your wedding invitations. It will be a memory of your union that will last forever. Also, if you make it beautiful, your guests will keep it as a good memory instead of throwing it away to avoid more “junk” at home.

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