Children’s Books For Little Astronauts

Spaceships, astronaut suits, planets … Hold on tight to your belts: we begin with the selection of books for astronauts.
Children's books for little astronauts

One of the questions that children often receive is: “What do you want to be when you grow up? “. Among the answers we can hear the most is being an astronaut.

Trust it, sometime in your childhood you wanted to feel what the men in the white suit feel on the ships on their way to discovering new life. For this reason, it is not uncommon for your children to also feel passion and curiosity about this fantastic profession and everything that surrounds it.

For this, and also thus promoting reading in children, today we bring you a selection of children’s books for little astronauts with which they will enjoy a lot and learn many more details.

Children’s books for little astronauts

1. Professor Astrocat and the frontiers of space

The first of the books in our selection could not be other than the one featuring the cat Professor Astrocat, which we have already talked about before. Through the pages of this fantastic book, and always helped by Astrocat and its numerous contributions, the smallest of the house will be able to learn more data and information about different planets or the formation of stars, among many other things.

Boy in astronaut costume.

In addition to the fantastic text with information, the illustrations and their great coloring are another of the strengths of this book. In this way, children will be able to join text and images and thus complete their cultural enrichment.

2. The great book of space. Geronimo Stilton

One of the most popular and loved characters in children’s literature is Gerónimo Stilton. The success of his books has made the titles increase very quickly and, consequently, the themes are very varied.

On this occasion, in The Great Book of Space , recommended for children between six and nine years old, they will be able to learn about the daily life of an astronaut, the different types of planets and galaxies that exist, as well as striking data about the stars or the generation of black holes.

A fantastic way to promote reading by Gerónimo Stilton, as well as teaching for all the data that they will know through its pages.

3. My first great space book , one of the best children’s books for little astronauts

National Geographic  is one of the world’s largest international organizations on education and science. His documentaries and magazines are known in different parts of the world.

The information that all their research offers at first was aimed at adults, however, the organization decided to create National Geographic Kids , aimed at children. In this way, the smallest of the house can enjoy fantastic books on science, history, environment or geography, with texts and data adapted to their age.

In My first great book on space you will  discover the thirteen planets of the solar system. In addition, they will also be able to know the smallest planets, as well as important data about the Sun, the Moon or the stars. Recommended for children from nine years old, the illustrations that accompany the text will amaze them with their details.

Little girl wearing a cardboard astronaut helmet after reading some of the children's books for little astronauts.

4. The great book of space

An ideal children’s book for little astronauts recommended for children from three years old. From the hand of the SM publishing house, the little ones will be able to discover everything about the profession of astronaut and space.

A book full of flaps, wheels and more mobile elements to search and discover that fully captures everything related to space as it has been written and illustrated, after numerous interviews with astronauts and astronomy experts.

Through its pages, the little ones will be able to know the necessary equipment for an astronaut, how space rockets take off, see the earth in three dimensions or explore the planet Mars, among many other things.

5. My book-mobile from space

Children’s books for little astronauts have no age. As an example of this, and to finalize this selection, we bring you a different book from the previous ones.

Published by the publishing house Bruño and recommended for children from two years of age for the simplicity of its texts and its illustrations, it is a book that, in addition to a fun story, also has the possibility of becoming mobile because, once read the story, the little ones will have the possibility of transforming the book into a mobile that has a space rocket.

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