How To Cope With A Miscarriage?

In this article we will tell you about the painful situation that overwhelms us when we have to face the loss of a pregnancy and we will give you tips to cope with a miscarriage.
How to cope with a miscarriage?

Losing a child is one of the hardest situations that a person can experience, because there is no pain that is similar to it. Consequently,  coping with an abortion is one of the most difficult tasks for many parents because it involves not only an immense loss, but also the death of a hope that filled us with life.

Likewise, coping with a spontaneous abortion can be very complex since the processes involved in these circumstances are extremely invasive and painful, both physically and mentally. In this article we tell you how to cope with an abortion.

According to the Spanish Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics, between 10 and 20% of pregnancies end in a spontaneous abortion before 22 weeks of gestation. In addition, for the National Institute of Statistics, three out of every thousand born in Spain suffered a late fetal death (after six months of pregnancy).

Of course, such a regrettable situation cannot be summed up simply by appealing to statistical data. Well, these figures are not just numbers, since each one of them hides complex personal stories. However, they can give us the idea of ​​not being alone going through this difficult time.

Coping with an abortion, getting over infinite pain

Both parents experience profound grief at this loss of the baby that is inexplicable to them. However, it is undeniable that discomfort is multiplied in the case of women and not only by the physical consequences, but also by the feeling of guilt that accompanies them in their sentimental and reproductive life.

Many women cannot cope with a miscarriage simply because they cannot overcome the aftermath of curettage, a surgical procedure that involves scraping or spooning the surface of the uterine tissue to “clean” the organ.

On the contrary, some specialists oppose this practice since they prefer to let the body act so that it eliminates all the remains by itself. In these cases, it is also recommended to subsequently perform an ultrasound examination to verify the state of the uterus.


As in any grief, to be able to cope with an abortion, it takes time but without a stipulated period because each person may need more or less time to mitigate their pain and learn to live with that absence in order to avoid depression. .

Environmental pressures and the inability to express feelings can make coping with an abortion difficult. That is why the specialists highlight the importance of the person feeling heard, that their needs are taken into account and that their time is respected.

7 Tips for Coping with an Abortion

  • See a qualified professional for psychological assistance. If the normal feelings of guilt, anger, and sadness that all miscarriage generates are prolonged, you should consider therapy to cope with the grieving process without falling into depression.
  • Find out the reasons for the abortion. It is advisable to find an answer to all our questions in your doctor. Many times, there is a specific cause (inverted womb, ovarian cysts, etc.) that is better to know as long as they give you peace of mind and a greater ability to understand the reasons why your pregnancy did not float, in addition to making it possible seeking treatments to prevent future abortions.
  • Do not blame yourself. If you took care of yourself and your baby with every detail in mind to keep you both safe, why blame yourself? Miscarriages are generally the result of a chromosomal problem. Whether you have a reason to do so or not, forgive yourself for simply believing yourself to be guilty of that loss.
    • Frequent an empathetic environment. To cope with an abortion with strength, you can surround yourself with caring people with whom to share the experience. It is even possible to have a social group in which you express yourself and do not feel alone during the grieving process.
    • Talk to other women who have been through the same situation. It is inevitable to close and feel hurt or misunderstood before phrases like “get over it . Therefore, the testimony of people who have suffered that loss will make you understand that you are not alone and you will appreciate similar stories of pain, but with a plus: some already carry an epitaph of overcoming. In addition, those who have learned to cope with an abortion can give you useful advice to impose yourself on this ordeal.
    • Get away from stress! Your body will experience physical changes and even discomfort, but also your mental state will be altered due to the hormonal change that takes place from the moment you became pregnant. While trying to cope with an abortion, you may experience the typical sudden mood swings and irritability. If you feel sore, ask your doctor for a prescription pain reliever to ease the discomfort.
    • Rest well. Be patient with your body after the abortion as it is preparing to heal from the damage or rejection of pregnancy, sooner or later it will return to normal. It is important to continue with your normal routines and even practice a hobby capable of keeping your mind occupied. Take the opportunity to meditate, listen to music or go on a trip. Don’t try to avoid your emotions, just take control of them.

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