The Dangers Of Permissive Parenting

Excessive permits during rearing can lead to behavioral problems later in life. Learn to identify this situation and how to deal with it right here.
The dangers of permissive parenting

Most parents hate the idea of ​​kids teasing, so they sometimes try to avoid tantrums or get mad at them. It is very difficult to know if we are doing the right thing or not, and fatigue often plays a major role in permissive parenting. Setting boundaries is an important part of good parenting.

Babies, children and adolescents need limits and rules to feel safe, that is why it is essential that if at this time you have a permissive parenting with your children, you think about what they really need (and not you) to be able to develop correctly and become successful adults.

Children change, their desires change, and they have other developmental needs, but they always need security. When parents don’t make that evolutionary leap and learn to set limits, children don’t develop the ability to tolerate frustration or manage themselves. These children are often referred to as bratty or non-behavioral children. When parents don’t set limits, children have fewer opportunities to develop self-discipline.

Children need limits for healthy emotional development. Reasonable limits and empathic limits in context will help the bonds between parents and children grow stronger. Adequate limits are needed. When parents don’t set limits, there are potential dangers that you should be aware of.

No to permissive parenting

Dangers of permissive parenting

Parents grant any wish

Desires that can be harmful to children such as sleeping little from watching television late … something that will result in a tired, irritable child who will not understand rules, limits or authority figures. Children need to follow activities that are appropriate for their age. A child’s self-esteem can also be impaired because he cannot learn to handle situations like other children do.

The child learns that disappointment and sadness are intolerable

When a child learns that sadness and disappointment are intolerable things, they will do almost anything to avoid feeling the frustration inside. You will spend the rest of your life doing whatever it takes to avoid feeling what you fear will be unbearable. Defending yourself from disappointment will require doing things that can end up being destructive to yourself – like avoiding risks, cheating, cheating, lying, etc. Because you will never learn to be comfortable with your difficult feelings, it will require working with Emotional Intelligence.

Will not have self love

This is a crucial skill – setting limits on yourself – for self-control in adulthood and even adolescence. You will never develop self-discipline and therefore will not be able to achieve goals, something really necessary to be able to achieve a full and happy life. Permissive parenting sabotages the ability to achieve things in life.


The child never learns that happiness is not derived from wish fulfillment

Children will feel that they have wishes that others must fulfill by and for them. It is possible that you spend your life chasing something because you think it will make you happy, because you do not understand that happiness is not an end in itself, but a path. Live in the present and enjoy what you have, without yearning for anything else.

In addition, and if that were not enough, this permissive parenting style will create insecure children, with low self-esteem, who will not know how to organize their life, or achieve goals … and the worst thing is that the relationship between parents and children will also be seriously affected because children will have always felt emotional abandonment from their parents.

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