A Mother Is Born

A mother is born

The long-awaited moment arrived. That powerful woman is here, that eternal bond is here, that great complicity. A mother was born and, with her, the desire to collect love, motives and experiences.

As soon as you get home with your baby you will find yourself with a lot of basic tasks that require motherly skill to carry out. This will be your first encounter with your new responsibility and will involve a large part of the psychological birth of your new identity.

Thus, as soon as you begin to respond to this, it can be said that the mother in you has been born. But what do you have to do? There are so many things that you are probably going crazy wondering where to start.

In the first place and as is obvious, you have to keep your baby alive and safe … This that seems so basic will awaken in you many fears that you will have to work.

Birth of a mother

Our first days as moms

The fact of watching that events develop normally is one of the most natural and primal feelings in the mother.  Suddenly the awareness awakens with great tenderness that this little life depends on us and that we will also have to lead it on its way.

Naturally, from this basic concern, many others are born that will flood our days. That’s why n the moments when a mother is born, so is a woman who, with her fears, her fatigue and her daily acts of protection, takes care of her baby above all else.

So the category of mother is joined by that of guardian, friend, lawyer, accomplice and protector. This intense moment in which we realize what we have become is something very personal.

In fact, it is usually a feeling that appears in our consciousness suddenly anywhere and at any time (this connection can occur in the hospital, at home or a week later while we are walking on the street).

The irrepressible desire to care for our baby

That shocking feeling of connection with our inner nurturing mother can occur as we hold our baby in our arms and feel how small and vulnerable he is, while we feel him breastfeeding, or when we contemplate him while he sleeps.

Likewise, when they are born as mothers, many concerns do so. For example, a universal concern is that our baby breathes properly.

Although we joke about this, the impulse that leads us to check that our child is okay is intense and powerful. In fact, if it is ignored, it can lead to a strong anxiety attack.

In the same way, we will be afraid that our baby is unwell for not receiving the attention he needs. These worries thankfully ease over time, although they never really go away at all.

Quite simply, a mother of a two-year-old will worry about plugs, while a mother of a pre-teen will worry about kidnappers or car accidents.

Hand of a mother with her baby

Make the baby grow and develop

Mother and son develop together and, with them, the tasks change. So a second group of concerns is aimed at making the baby grow and develop.

In the same way, doubts will assail us about whether our child is big or, on the contrary, too small, in what percentile of development he is, if he explores or not, etc.

So what for other people may be trivial, for us it is an internal debate that is often full of reproaches about our abilities as mothers.

That is why when we are born as mothers, thousands of insecurities, certainties and extra worries are born with us. Something that is sometimes difficult to tolerate, but with time we manage to handle perfectly.

But this is how our mothers lived it, this is how we raise precious children, and this is how future mothers will continue to care for their offspring. Because even doubts and fears make sense when we talk about motherhood …

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