Mothers Who Put Into Practice The Method Of “I Don’t Care About Anything”

Mothers who put into practice the method of "that nothing matters to me"

No woman starts motherhood knowing what to do. As much as they tell us what works, all families are not the same. Mothers are often judged and most are judged by other moms.

Some mothers are supreme judges, causing the less experienced ones to feel a lot of pressure. However, there is an indisputable fact, the worst judge can be our own head. It is for this reason that some mothers have decided to take a different initiative, to practice “let me not care.

What does the method that nothing matters to me refer to?

Many of the battles we fight in motherhood are with ourselves. The way we breed does not have a specific method. The baby is different, the context, the routine, everything varies from person to person. The fear of believing that we are wrong is a difficult obstacle to overcome.

Not allowing ourselves to fail can be more exhausting than any failure. The constant comparison with other mothers is the ruin, therefore, the decision must come. To put into practice that nothing matters to me, it takes a lot of courage.

This resource was implemented by a mother who decided to share it. Many have put it into practice and it works for a reason: it works for everyone. Act as it works for me and not for others.

Somehow it consists of having our own tricks and defining a unique style. Wanting to imitate others ends up failing. However, developing a custom method can even be enviable.


Maternity no matter what

When you talk about a motherhood without any concern, you mean a carefree motherhood.  That I don’t care how or why other parents do what they do. They don’t care about anything in the sense of what to do as a mother. Things are solved at the moment with what best comes out and that’s it. This is how those mothers who do not worry about things that are not so important think.

The mother who does not care about anything does not live justifying herself by whatever she does or about the decisions she makes. For example, you do not have to explain why you either went to the supermarket, or why you could not breastfeed for 2 years. Nothing to clarify if you go to work or stay at home. It does not matter what the neighbors think, nobody helps us with the upbringing, our family is unique.

They live like this because it is understood that each of the people is experiencing many things in their lives. Parents are trying to discover the most wonderful task step by step. Having a child implies adapting to a new being in a different context, without specific rules. The mere fact of being filled with worries also creates insecurities throughout the development of children.

Since nothing matters to me I am much less tired

mom, nothing matters to me

Comparing yourself to others and doing things better so that other people observe what you do is uncomfortable and exhausting. Mothers who use this method have found that they feel less tired. They have more energy as they healed their emotions by casting off those insecurities and concerns for the people who judge them.

They feel more focused on their family and themselves with all that energy that they save on negative thoughts. Even being a person who cares nothing, effort and personal growth can be valued. Children grow up at the relaxed speed of mom and tasks are accomplished when they deserve.

That nothing matters to me does not imply carelessness to the family, it is to discard perfection. Overcoming pressures can make us more productive, happy, and spontaneous. Without having to be rude, we are going to tell life that we do not care about unfair criticism, we are authentic, free and practical.

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