Educate From Recognition

Educate from recognition

Nowadays there are many debates about the different types of education that are on the table, different parenting styles that parents can choose to educate their children. Parents, in the education they give their children, must feel comfortable and know that what they do they are doing from the heart for the good of their children. But there is something that should not be overlooked: educating from recognition.

When children are educated from recognition, they are having emotions and also their value for being unique people in the world. No two children are the same and therefore, it is necessary to recognize what each one is capable of, taking into account their needs and their own interests. Children, as unique beings, need recognition from their parents.

Recognition helps children realize the satisfaction of a job well done, that they know that others value their effort and not so much the result and above all, it helps them build a strong self-esteem and a solid identity. Thus, children who receive an education based on recognition will know that the effort is more important than the result.


The effort is more important than the result

In a competitive society where what matters most is the result, it seems difficult to educate in recognition. For many, recognition is only achieved when good results have been obtained, such as good grades, a good mark in sport, when you manage to win a competition, in short, when you can greatly surpass others or yourself.

But this is not educating in recognition. When education is educated in recognition, it is very powerful for children to understand that the results are not so important, but the process that must be carried out to reach those results. For example, a child who has studied hard for a test but then got a poor grade, doesn’t he deserve credit for all his effort?

Yes, it does deserve recognition. He deserves to know that his effort is important and that if he has not gotten a better grade it does not mean that he is a bad student or that he may not be able to achieve it at another time. For this reason, it is important that within recognition education, children learn that mistakes are great teachers and that they can always be better versions of themselves.

Mistakes are the best teachers

When children are educated in the recognition of children, mistakes cannot be ignored, because these will be the great teachers who show us where we want to go. In recognition, the effort should be praised and of course, if there have been errors, highlight them. But errors should not be highlighted to suffer or to think that it cannot be improved, if not rather, for the opposite.

Children must accept the mistakes they make and be aware that each mistake is an opportunity to improve themselves and achieve better results the next time. What matters is learning from them and knowing that mistakes are the best way to know ourselves and where we need to improve. But the results should feel like processes and not just goals to be achieved.


Beware of false recognition

It is very important to be very careful with false recognition, children are very insightful in this regard. As with false praise, a false recognition can make a child feel bad when they realize that their effort is not being valued as it should, or that the words received are not sincere from the person who is saying them.

Recognition must always be accompanied by sincerity. Recognition is done when a child has made an effort, when they have tried something even though they have not succeeded, when they have been able to achieve it, recognition is also necessary … With words born directly from the heart. Recognition is therefore important for children.

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