8 Therapeutic Benefits Of Stroking Children

Cuddling is an essential emotional communication mechanism when it comes to showing your child how important he is to you. Next, we expose you the therapeutic benefits of caresses to children.
8 therapeutic benefits of stroking children

The therapeutic benefits of petting children are innumerable. Showing them physical affection comes naturally from within, especially when they’re young.

The displays of affection are due to the very nature of the children that causes parents and relatives to feel attracted to them and want to protect and hug them.

It is important to provide physical contact with children, either by holding their hands, stroking them, or giving them hugs and kisses. These displays of affection  benefit parents and children and strengthen the relationship between them.

As children get older, it is easy to forget the importance and necessity of these gestures, even though the little ones still need the contact. Keep in mind that even when they seem to reject it, they appreciate it.

They may demand it in a different, less childish or less obvious way, such as in private and not in front of other children their age.

Touching can be used to comfort, to provide simple and loving support, or to express a wish for a loved one. This physical and emotional experience is appreciated by all. Also, the slower the strokes, the more intensively the brain reacts.

8 therapeutic benefits of stroking children

Next, we put at your disposal 8 therapeutic benefits of caressing children:

1.- Create links between parents and children

The caresses clearly strengthen the parent-child relationship and serve to connect with the little ones in body and soul.

Likewise, displays of affection work to bond  and show your child your love for him without the need to use words.

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2.- Learn to receive and give affection

In order for a child to be affectionate, he must first receive affection. In this sense, it is very important that you teach them its importance from a very young age, since it influences their ability to relate to others.

3.- More communicative children

Through contact, you can  communicate with the child, reassure him and show him that you love him. You must give him love from the first days of his life.

Cuddling will help him wake up and have an impact on his future life. In fact, babies who are stroked often have an easier time opening up to others and are more likely to have the ability to comfort other people.

4.- Strengthen trust

Through caresses the child receives self-esteem and support. Consequently, you feel valued and recognized by the other.

A caress brings a sense of company and closeness. It is a gesture that transmits protection and strength, reducing emotional pain. The caresses promote confidence and show that there is not only affection, but also dedication.

5.- Reduce stress

Loving children are shown to be less stressed. Caresses calm, calm and soothe children at any age and at any time.

Good proof of this is that newborns  develop faster and less stressed when they receive strokes,  compared to those who do not receive them as often.

6.- Positive feelings

A child who is loved and cared for will be a loving adult capable of expressing positive feelings to his parents and those around him.

The displays of affection generate positive effects on a series of behaviors and psychological states throughout life. In addition, they allow the little one to feel pleasure and esteem.

The benefits of stroking your baby are numerous.

 7.- Generate oxytocin

Oxytocin is a hormone that has the ability to act on the brain and muscles. Secreted in large quantities, it promotes relaxation of the body and feelings of appeasement, well-being, and social and emotional comfort.

Its secretion increases in the little one during any manifestation of physical tenderness that you lavish on it, whether through caresses, massages or hugs. In this sense, caresses favor the production of oxytocin, causing well-being and tranquility in children.

8.- Improve sleep

Hugging, petting, and kissing them helps children sleep much better. It is proven that little ones who are caressed rest better at night. You can use caresses when the child cannot sleep, as they provide relaxation, eliminate headaches and help fight nervous tension.

As you have seen, the therapeutic benefits of stroking children are numerous. Through caresses we are providing the little ones with something essential for their healthy physical and emotional development: human physical contact.

In case of not receiving the affection and the necessary caresses, the specialists assure that personality problems may arise in the future.

The caresses, an essential in the life of a child

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