Tips For Treating Acne In Pregnancy

Tips for treating acne in pregnancy

During pregnancy, women have a special glow to their faces thanks to the high levels of hydration and the retention of moisture in the skin. It also increases the intake of vitamins and minerals that are transported to the placenta. But on the other hand, other mothers can have a great hormonal activity and that instead of having a shiny and smooth skin, horrible pimples appear. 

Acne in pregnancy

This occurs because for some women the production of sebum and pigmentation is increased due to the over-stimulation of hormones, which can cause acne in pregnancy. Although acne is rare during pregnancy, it can feel like cruel punishment for other pregnancy symptoms such as weight gain, nausea and / or vomiting, tiredness, and changing hormones.

Acne during pregnancy occurs mainly during the first and second trimesters, when there are unusually high levels of androgen hormones. If acne does not develop during the first trimester, it is unlikely to appear in the second or third trimester. In some cases where it does develop, it can be serious, but it usually resolves around three months after the baby is born.

Can acne be prevented in pregnancy?

The reality is that acne cannot always be prevented from appearing, it can simply be treated to minimize it. The ideal is to follow a healthy diet, take prebiotics and probiotics. In most cases, acne breakouts can be adequately managed with personal care products that contain ingredients such as topical salicylic acid and azelaic acid. But if you have doubts about whether you can use a product in pregnancy, consult your doctor.

Tips to improve acne during pregnancy

What can you do

In order to take good care of your skin and avoid getting pimples, it is necessary that you take into account some tips that you do on a daily basis and that you take into account in all the months that the pregnancy lasts. If you have pimples, follow these tips, and if not, also to prevent them from coming out in case you notice that you start to have more sebum on your face: 

  • Keep the skin well hydrated. Look for moisturizers, serums, or creams that contain hyaluronic acid and vitamin E.
  • Choose products with antioxidant ingredients, such as vitamin C. This will enhance the barrier effect of the skin to care for it and promote the rates of cell turnover in the skin.
  • Use a good sunscreen for your face.
  • Take probiotics.
  • Drink lots of water daily.
  • Eat fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Start facials as soon as possible after the baby is born to restore the health of your dermis.
  • Wash your face every day.

What not to do

In the same way that there are some tips that you must take into account to take care of your skin, there are also other aspects that you need to take into account in order not to perform. It is important to know what you should do with what you should not do to have well-groomed skin all the time. In this way you will provide your skin with the best care:

  • Squeezing the pimples you have can cause scarring.
  • Excessive cleaning of the face or you will end up having more sebum or the opposite, you can dry out your skin too much.
  • Using abrasive or exfoliating soaps that dry out the skin. It is best to choose products that contain alpha-hydroxy acids, such as lactic and glycolic acid.
  • Exposing your face too much to the sun without protection.
  • Touching the face with dirty hands.

These are some tips that you can consider to treat acne if you are pregnant. In this way, you can have a well-cared for skin and even if you get some pimples, you can prevent too many from coming out or the appearance of your skin from getting worse because you have not treated it well. If you have any questions about how to take care of your skin, do not hesitate to go to your doctor or your dermatologist to answer any questions you have.

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