What Should The Trousseau Of The Future Mother Have?

Do you know what the mother’s trousseau should have? If you are pregnant, this information interests you.
What should the trousseau of the future mother have?

It is normal that during pregnancy all our concern is directed towards the baby, that is why from the first day we know that we carry it inside we begin to buy things from its trousseau with enthusiasm. But what should mom’s trousseau wear? At what point do we prepare it? We tell you what the mother’s trousseau should have.

A second pregnancy has its advantages, one of them is knowing everything we are going to need and how things will happen. However, a new mother may struggle to organize the bag that she will bring to the hospital on the day of delivery, if it will be useful or sufficient.

In any case, a tip for future moms is to be organized and solve as you go. The keys to preparing the correct trousseau are organization, coherence and criteria ; This will help us to resolve doubts and find concrete solutions. If I have no idea what my trousseau should have, it is convenient to inquire ; For this reason, in this opportunity, we want to give you some advice that we hope will be useful.


The mother’s trousseau

It is likely that when we have decided to plan the content of our trousseau, we will have already completed that of the baby. In general, preparations to receive the baby take all our energy and even our budget. However, this is not something that we should reserve for the last minute, because surely there will be things that we do not have at home and we will have to go out to look for them.

It is advisable to plan in advance and if necessary, in writing, each step. To begin, it is advisable to evaluate what we have and how we want our trousseau to be. Although only some mothers are going to care more about their appearance, it is important that we think about how we are going to look and what we would like to take with us.

However, there is no need to worry, in the days before delivery, the clinic will indicate the basic products that you should bring, as well as the documents, medicines and accessories that are necessary. We also remind you that there are many people willing to help future mothers, for example grandmothers, friends and other experienced relatives.

Make a list for the trousseau

It is always advisable to have a list, which will help us to organize ourselves better, because it will allow us to know clearly what we have and what we are missing. This list can be more or less like this, take note:

  • The little things that belong to the baby’s trousseau
  • Robes or nightgowns that allow easy breastfeeding. That is, with buttons or some device to open the front; preferably cotton or soft and comfortable materials
  • Cotton or disposable panties, which are large and tall
  • Post-partum Support
  • Special feminine towels for postpartum
  • Slippers
  • Breast pads to contain excess milk
  • Clothes to leave the clinic, this must be loose; preferably the one you used in the last months of pregnancy
  • Personal documents, bank instruments, cash, medical reports and exams, recently performed
  • Personal hygiene items (comb, toothbrush and toothpaste, hair clips, hand soap, shampoo, etc.)
  • According to each personality, it is important to include the possible extras; where they stand out; makeup, photo and video camera, books, music, the baby’s book or personal items with sentimental value.

    Considering that on certain occasions the delivery can be brought forward, it is recommended that the trousseau be prepared in advance ; So even though we know that from week thirty-seven, we can start waiting for the baby to be born at any time, it is preferable to be prepared.

    Having it ready in the seventh month or waiting until the last week, is a decision that is left to the mother. However, the advice for the expectant mother is to always be prepared; because although it is possible that there is time to do the last purchases, it is convenient that all the energies of father and mother are concentrated in the birth.

    Now that you know what a mother’s trousseau should have, do not be shy about anticipating what you will need when you already have your baby in your arms. Do not hesitate to ask your family and friends for help if it is necessary for you and you do not lack anything. 

    What I can not do without in my baby's trousseau

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