Hypertensive Disease In Pregnancy

Blood pressure problems can cause serious complications in both the mother and the fetus. In this article we explore the main characteristics of this condition.
Hypertensive disease in pregnancy

Hypertensive disease in pregnancy refers to a set of symptoms related to the rise or fall of blood pressure in pregnant women.

It is important to note that high blood pressure can affect a woman from moments before pregnancy. In general, the disease manifests itself in those who are more than 20 weeks gestation.

Beyond this, what you should know is that any severe hypertension is considered a danger for the mother and her child, being a very delicate condition that deserves immediate medical attention.

Signs of hypertensive disease

Here we will mainly refer to pre-eclampsia. This is manifested in pregnant women and whose primary symptoms are uncontrolled blood pressure, proteinuria and edema. Proteinuria is the presence of body protein in the urine that is higher than normal.

On the other hand, edema is another complication caused by hypertension. This involvement generates an inflammation that occurs in the tissue due to an excessive accumulation of fluids. Other symptoms can be vision changes and sudden headaches.

This clinical picture is mild, moderate or severe. We must warn you that a more difficult diagnosis such as eclampsia complicates the state of health. This is coined more than 20,000 maternal deaths worldwide.

Severe hypertensive disease: eclampsia

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Pre-eclampsia is common in some women and they have very mild signs. Although it is rare, it can cause serious problems for both the baby and the mother during delivery.

Not paying due attention to this possible condition leads to eclampsia. What characterizes the arrival of this condition is the occurrence of an epileptic seizure in the mother. When things get to this point, both mother and toddler are at great risk.

That is why we must go to the emergency room when we feel the first signs of hypertension. The first thing is that hypertensive disease generates a significant decrease in amniotic fluid.

Causes of hypertensive disease and population at risk

The causes of these conditions are still unknown. Doctors indicate that the origin of the problem can be found in factors as varied as the mother’s diet, genetic predisposition, vascular problems or even stress.

It is also known that women diagnosed with diabetes and kidney failure are more likely to develop this type of condition. If women present these pictures, the ideal is to go to a doctor permanently.

Other cases at risk are: people whose direct relatives have suffered pre-eclampsia, women with multiple pregnancies or minors or over 35, as well as those who suffer from obesity.

Dangers that the baby runs before pre-eclampsia

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Not only is the mother at great risk, the unborn baby also suffers a direct impact, which can affect its development process and could put the continuation of the gestation process at risk.

The first thing is that hypertensive disease generates a significant decrease in amniotic fluid. But when things get complicated, hypertension can lead to premature detachment of the placenta.

A mother with eclampsia is very prone to an abortion  spontaneous . There are patients whose blood flow through the placenta has been interrupted, which can be fatal for the child.

Cure for hypertensive in pregnancy

Preeclampsia and eclampsia are conditions that have no cure. The only thing that can stop the degeneration of this type of diagnosis is the birth of the baby. This means that there is very little that can be done until the 32nd or 34th week of gestation.

Once this happens, your doctor will evaluate if the ideal is to advance the delivery, with the intention of avoiding greater risks for you and your child.

Prevention is the best solution, so we suggest you take yoga classes for pregnant women or organize outings with your partner in the open air that offer you calm during pregnancy.

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