Keys To Prevent Eating Disorders From Childhood

Many of the eating disorders appear in adolescence. Therefore, starting prevention from childhood can protect young people from suffering them. We give you some guidelines in this regard.
Keys to preventing eating disorders from childhood

Eating disorders are becoming more and more frequent; many of them begin during adolescence. The consequences at a physical, emotional and social level for young people can be very severe and the treatment complex. Therefore, it is essential to prevent eating disorders from childhood.

Biological, psychological and cultural causes converge at the origin of this type of disorder and it is not possible to reduce to zero the risk that a minor will end up developing an eating problem. However, the habits and resources acquired during childhood lay a solid foundation that can protect against their appearance. For this reason, the role of parents and teachers is of great relevance.

How to prevent eating disorders from childhood?

Little girl eating healthy to prevent eating disorders.

Establish good habits

Childhood is a crucial stage when it comes to establishing habits that can last for a long time. For this reason, it is important to help children create a healthy relationship with their bodies and with food. Promoting regular physical activity and offering a healthy and balanced diet is very necessary.

In addition, other guidelines can be put into practice. For example, involving children in the purchase and preparation of food, eating as a family whenever possible and setting an example, as adults, of those habits that we wish to establish.

Offer adequate information

As children grow, they will acquire greater autonomy when it comes to choosing food. For this reason, it is very useful that they have clear and simple information regarding which ones are more appropriate. However, this information must be transmitted in relation to health and not based on beauty standards.

We have to explain to children which foods nourish their bodies and which can be harmful to their health, rather than prohibiting certain products “so they don’t get fat.” The prohibition generates obsession and installs a concern for the physical image that can be the germ of a future eating disorder.

Emotional education

Often times, people confuse our emotions and bodily sensations and therefore act in the wrong way when trying to relieve discomfort. Emotional eating arises when you eat out of anxiety, anger, sadness or boredom and its consequences can be very negative. Therefore, it is necessary to pay special attention to the emotional education of children.

To do this, they must be taught to identify and differentiate their emotions, allow them to express them and show them functional ways of managing them. But it is also important to avoid using food as rewards and punishments or offering food as comfort; These behaviors send the wrong messages about food.


Promoting good self-esteem is essential to prevent eating disorders from childhood. This quality can help minors to cope with group and social pressure and, therefore, not to fall into a harmful need for external approval. In addition, it can facilitate self-care behaviors and promote the maintenance of good habits.

Prevent eating disorders from childhood in the family and at school

Family eating with their children taking into account infant feeding in stages.

The family is the first socializing agent for children and the parenting guidelines implemented in the home determine, to a large extent, the values, attitudes and behaviors of children. For this reason, the paternal example and the routines that are followed at home can play an important protective role against the development of this type of disorder. However, school is the place where children spend a large part of their day and its influence on their emotional and moral education is also very relevant.

Thus, from school, it is necessary to implement training actions and activities that promote a balanced diet and healthy habits in children. But it is also necessary to address the influence of the media and develop critical thinking in minors that can protect them against social pressure.

In the same way, educating in respect, empathy and tolerance for diversity can avoid behaviors and comments between colleagues that can contribute to triggering, in some cases, a food problem. In short, the prevention of eating disorders from childhood is the task of all those adults and institutions that participate in the education of children.

Eating disorders in adolescence

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