The Toys Of Yesterday

Yesterday’s toys are a good opportunity to spend time with your child.
Yesterday's toys

The toys of yesterday pile up in the mind as good memories … They are items that make us remember our childhood and in a magical way let a tear appear in our eyes while our lips draw a smile.

For the longing to bring a time to the present that will never return and for how good it will do for your child to play with some artifacts that were born in the past and amused their parents and even their grandparents, we propose a trip to the past … That you will surely like it.

The importance of yesterday’s toys for today’s children

It doesn’t matter if the rag doll who slept with us lost her hair from the habit of twirling her frizzy hair to sleep. What difference does it make that the police car no longer beeps and is missing a rubber or that only half of the card game remains? What matters is that these toys passed through many hands and through the hearts of our relatives.


The toys of yesterday are objects that over the years we remember as new even though most of them ceased to exist or lost their charm. For the good of today’s children, the toys and games of the past have reached the modernity of these times with new designs, colors and textures that make them stand out in a technological and interactive world.

They are a good way to share time with the little ones at home and insert ourselves into an activity that is so important to them. They are ideal for your little one to interact and socialize with other children his age. As if that were not enough, they are a motivation to put aside the passivity of the keyboard and the television and go out to laugh and run with his companions.

The toys of yesterday do not require energy or controls to function, nor do they provoke intense emotions, but they offer the opportunity to fill the lungs with oxygen and exercise the muscles in the open air.

Yesterday’s toys

Below, we offer you a brief summary of some of the toys that you had fun with as a child and that today can be used to distract your child, and have a great time together in beautiful family moments! 

The marbles


Marbles are small spheres that are made of various materials and feature a wide range of colors. Although in each region of the world it is played differently and you can even set rules for whoever plays, this traditional game consists of making balls collide with each other, the same to measure the aim of the players, or to move or introduce canines in certain holes.

The top or spinning top


The game of the top or spinning top consists of spinning a funny article generally made of wood and plastic that has a metal point on one of its ends. The body of the top is wound with a thick thread and when released, while the thread is held, the top begins to rotate, first while traveling through the air, and then when it reaches the ground. The top that keeps dancing the longest always wins.

The yoyo


Making the yo-yo dance is a very popular passive game in your childhood that also comes to amuse the children of this century. The yo-yo is made up of two wooden or plastic caps that are joined leaving an opening in the middle of them through which a thick thread is wound. When the thread is pulled, the yo-yo dances through the dance making many infants smile.

Hula dance


Hula dancing is an activity that involves spinning a hoop while moving the waist. The rings that are used for this purpose offer various sizes, colors and are made of plastic. In your childhood, this toy was surely only used by girls, but today boys manage to compete and catch up with any expert.

To vary the fun, the hula hula or hula hop as it is also known, is danced with the arms, hands, neck, feet, lying on the ground, with the elbows … in many ways. The goal of this activity is for the hoop to always keep moving and never fall to the ground.

Wooden toys in childhood

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