4 Foods Easy To Digest During Pregnancy

It is important to plan a diet during pregnancy that meets nutritional requirements, but, at the same time, it is essential that it be easy to digest.
4 easy to digest foods during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the consumption of easily digestible foods can be decisive. In this state, the intestinal tract is more sensitive, so the inclusion in the diet of foods with high fat content can make the processes difficult.

However, there are a series of foods that are a sure value when it comes to providing quality nutrients and achieving easy digestion. With them you will have hardly any problems, so you can eat them at dinner to ensure a restful and undisturbed sleep.

Easy to digest foods during pregnancy

Next, we present a series of easy-to-digest foods to consume during pregnancy and ensure proper nutrition.


Pregnant woman eating apple during pregnancy, one of the easy to digest foods.

Apples are characterized by their water content and soluble fiber. Within this last group, the pectins stand out, which are capable of fermenting at the intestinal level, serving as an energy substrate for the bacteria that make up the microbiota. This is evidenced by a study published in Experimental & Molecular Medicine .

It is advisable to eat apples between meals, as they also help control appetite. They can also be included in dessert, or cut into small pieces and added to yogurt or kefir. They have a high versatility, so it is easy to introduce them into the daily diet.


Chicken meat has proteins of high biological value and low levels of fat. Therefore, its gastric emptying is fast and its digestion is easy. It manages, at the same time, to provide all the amino acids that the pregnant woman needs to maintain functional muscle mass and to allow the development of the fetus within.

This food also has great versatility at a culinary level, although the best option may be to prepare it on the grill to facilitate its digestion. Likewise, it is a safe value when cooked with water, although in this case it is more tasteless from an organoleptic point of view.

Plain yogurt

Natural yogurt is a source of probiotic bacteria, capable of selectively colonizing the digestive tract, resulting in a health benefit for the host. This is evidenced by research published in the journal Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology

For this reason, natural yogurt is not only an easy food to digest, but also helps the rest of the food to break down optimally in the intestine. In this way, it has a positive effect on the mother’s metabolism, which can lead to a reduction in the risk of developing gestational diabetes.

However, it is essential to avoid choosing those yogurts that have added sugars or artificial sweeteners. The former have a negative impact on metabolic health. The latter are capable of reducing bacterial diversity in the digestive tract, generating the opposite effect to that sought.

Cooked rice

When choosing a carbohydrate-containing food that is easy to digest, rice may be the best option. This grain causes much less gas than legumes or whole grains. It also provides high-quality carbohydrates, key elements to ensure energy during physical activity.

However, it must be taken into account that the beneficial intestinal effect of cooked rice is much greater if it is consumed raw. In this case, the starch that makes it up becomes resistant, acting as a prebiotic compound at the intestinal level and stimulating the growth of microbiota bacteria.

Rice of different types.

Include easy-to-digest foods in the diet during pregnancy

With the easy-to-digest foods that we have discussed, you will make sure to provide essential nutrients in pregnancy, while facilitating the passage of the fecal bolus through the tube. Possible discomfort will be reduced, as well as the production of intestinal gas that causes discomfort.

Now, do not forget that it is not only important to include these products in the diet, but also to avoid those edibles that can be heavy. Industrial ultra-processed products, with a high content of trans fats, have a negative impact on the microbiota and the digestive tract.

Also liquids other than water can generate an undesirable effect on the intestinal level. Therefore, it is good to avoid sugary soft drinks and juices.

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