Motherhood Is Not A Competition, Enjoy It!

Many mothers tend to believe that they should be the best at everything. However, parenting goes way beyond that, understanding that we all make mistakes. In this article we will reflect on it.
Motherhood is not a competition, enjoy it!

Motherhood is not a competition, but must be enjoyed. It is not about focusing on having the most beautiful or intelligent child. Nor is it about being the best housewife capable of keeping the home sparkling and cooking the best delicacies.

Well, motherhood is basically that story that you write day by day with your children. It is that which colors your days from the moment you materialize the miracle of life. Therefore, the secret of motherhood lies in enjoying all that it implies and offers, which is not little.

Take advantage of every moment of motherhood

When you become a mother, you are sure to be overwhelmed by advice that you don’t want to receive. Even overwhelmed by everything you think you should do. However, you should only focus on what really matters: that life that you begin to shape.

As you will see, children grow up too fast and, when you want to know it, it is late. Therefore, take advantage of each stage of the child, each moment that you can share. As time goes by, you will realize that you have missed a lot in your marathons of order and cleanliness.


Well, there is no going back. There is a moment to enjoy them in your arms and generate a unique connection that will never be repeated. Even if you are tired or want to delight everyone with your gastronomic skills, play with your child. From there will come the honey of maternity.

Put aside chores of various kinds to give a few minutes to your original and witty comments. It also solves each of your witty doubts and questions. This stage of the cuteness can give way to the most hilarious anecdotes.

From this time shared in the motherhood, the most pleasant memories will come out for the future. From this story written as a family, the best legacy for your children. Undoubtedly, you must surrender to motherhood and not worry about what you can leave for tomorrow.

The future will be in charge of facing a son whom you can no longer carry in your arms. Of course, at this stage, you will not be able to offer all the physical signs of affection that you have saved in that absurd competition. You will no longer be able to generate moments of play in the most plastic and innocent time of his life.

Motherhood, years later

With the passage of time, things will have changed “a little much” for that little offspring who yesterday could not support his own body. Even so, always remember a fundamental motto for every mother: “Motherhood is not a competition, it is enjoyed!”

Enjoy motherhood

Surely, this stage is presented with countless doubts and fears that haunt your child’s mind. Well, it opposes a series of profound bodily and hormonal changes. He faces new school rhythms, renewed responsibilities and obligations.

Your child will begin to fight pain with humor and love. There will appear the most annoying acts of rebellion. There comes a time for you when patience, temperance and assertiveness will become your shield. That same instrument is that you must delegate to your child.

If that insecure and fearful adolescent were a pot, you should go molding it. And, certainly, keeping a high dose of security and self-esteem inside. Also include a pinch of perseverance and tenacity here. It also grants the gift of listening and reasoning.

Provide him with all those tools that you consider elementary to be able to face this difficult and complex stage. Give him the weapons that can serve him for his whole life, so that he may be received as a good person. But for this, again, you must dedicate time.

Let go of the mop, let the laundry basket become a mountain, forget those impressive signature dishes. None of that is what your child really needs, more than you. Always live in the present, accompanying each stage of your child’s development.

Remember that motherhood is not a competition between mothers. Motherhood is what happens while your little one grows up. It’s basically being the best mom for your piece of heaven. Allow yourself to enjoy the most beautiful gift in life.

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