Is It Dangerous To Have An Overweight Pregnancy?

Being overweight is a real risk factor for the health of the future mother and the baby. We describe in this article the basics of what you need to know and the tips you can take to reverse the situation.
Is it dangerous to have an overweight pregnancy?

During pregnancy, it is difficult to find any part of your body that is not affected. Among the most obvious changes is weight gain: on average, a pregnant woman gains 9 to 13 kilos. We will analyze, then, if it is dangerous to have an overweight pregnancy.

Women who gain excess weight during pregnancy are at higher risk of not being able to return to their original weight after the baby is born. Also, moms who were overweight before pregnancy and who gain weight during pregnancy have a higher risk of becoming obese or of exacerbating obesity.

Therefore, it is very important to take care of the health status and that of the baby. The essential thing in these cases is to control your weight to avoid situations that represent some kind of risk for both of you.

What are the risks of having an overweight pregnancy?

Having an overweight pregnancy can lead to negative consequences for both the mother and the fetus. We tell you about them below:

Risks related to the mother’s health

In this first case, the risks include the development of gestational diabetes or pre-eclampsia. The overweight mother has more problems with high blood pressure during pregnancy.

Also, the risk of miscarriage is even higher in the first trimester, and the likelihood of having a C-section is also more common.

Risks related to the baby’s health

Regarding fetal risks, these correspond mainly to congenital anomalies. Being overweight during pregnancy increases the risk of preterm labor and neonatal complications.

A balanced diet is central to not having an overweight pregnancy.

Manage weight gain during pregnancy

Pregnancy is an opportunity to reflect on your lifestyle and to become aware of how your daily habits can affect your health and that of your future child.

To protect your little one from these risks of overweight, nothing is more beneficial than following a healthy and balanced diet. Remember that weight loss diets are contraindicated during pregnancy because they reduce the intake of nutrients that your baby will need to develop.

However, overeating in this period is not healthy either. Failure to do so could increase the incidence of gestational diabetes, according to a study published in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences . Therefore, it is necessary to find a middle ground and seek advice from your doctor.

On the other hand, you can also follow these dietary recommendations to avoid having an overweight pregnancy:

1. Dare to variety in your breakfast

In the morning, try to find a balance between your wishes and the needs you have as a pregnant woman, as well as those of the baby.

The ideal breakfast should consist of a dairy product, a drink, a cereal product, a fruit, or a glass of fruit juice. Under no conditions can you skip it, as it provides you with the energy you need for the whole day.

2. Eat small amounts

Instead of eating three meals, experts recommend eating six meals a day ; In addition, it is better to eat in small quantities well distributed throughout the day.

3. Opt for fresh and varied foods

A balanced diet is the key. By eating a little of everything, with the exception of foods forbidden during pregnancy, the expectant mother will be sure to stock up on essential nutrients.

Also, opt for a selection of five fruits and vegetables per day. This habit has been shown to be capable of reducing the risk of getting sick in the medium term. Replace what you don’t like with nutritionally equivalent foods and cook simple dishes that don’t contain too much trans fat.

4. Make a light dinner

Unlike lunch, dinner should always be light and balanced. We recommend not eating too late to avoid heartburn or some other type of discomfort during the night and to promote digestion to rest properly.

You can avoid having an overweight pregnancy by doing physical activity at this stage.

5. Practice a physical activity

Remember that it is important to do physical activity regularly during pregnancy, as it is physiologically and psychologically beneficial for the future mother and the baby. Walking and swimming are, among other things, excellent workouts to practice during pregnancy.

Avoid being overweight during pregnancy

Finally, you should know that, if you have an overweight pregnancy,  you should discuss all your doubts with health professionals before, during and after delivery. They will offer you the  answers you need  and they will allow you to find solutions that limit the risks associated with being overweight, in order to live a healthy pregnancy.

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