How Much Does The Baby Change In A Month?

How much does the baby change in a month?

It is amazing how much a baby can change in one month of birth. It is not until that moment when parents will begin to notice different changes in the

boy. They will begin to develop skills, distinguish voices, and even smile. During this period, your senses, your brain and your body develop.

Each baby is different as he grows and gains skills, do not be alarmed. If we notice that our baby takes longer to learn some things, or does not move as much as others, it is normal. It is very important that you have a lot of patience without pressing him, since he must learn in his own way and at his own pace.

Our little one will gradually develop his abilities. Therefore, stimulation is recommended to enhance those skills that have been difficult to obtain.

Most parents observe children’s responses, many times they are movements and reflexes to stimuli around them. As the central nervous system matures, these reflexes open a path to more complex responses. This happens with intensity in the course of the first months of life.

What can you do in the baby in the first month?

Among the main skills that the child develops in its first month are the following:

  • Recognize the voice of their parents. It is highly recommended that parents talk to their baby in an exaggerated way so that he can react to all this.
  • Identify the scent of the skin of the mom or dad next to him. Already at this stage he can know who is next to him. It is very common for the baby to recognize his mother very quickly, since she is the one who is always next to him.
  • Move your mouth. This he does especially when he senses the presence of parents near him.
  • Raise your head slightly. When lying face down you can do this action. Little by little you will be able to keep your head up if you can practice in this way.
  • Observe something in front of him and smile. He can be stimulated with objects such as mobiles, images that he can observe. The baby is born with a fixed vision in a focal distance of 20 to 25 centimeters, taking advantage of performing this action according to the stimulation, is very good.
  • Raise your head about 45 degrees if you are on your stomach. Parents can stimulate or cheer him up with a toy near his head that can attract his attention.
  • Smile spontaneously At this moment you will see the baby laughing at every opportunity, it is inevitable that the parents make him smile.
  • Keep your head steady if you are in an upright position. To stimulate his balance, the mother or father can hold him on his knees. In this way he is stimulated so that his legs can support the weight of the body for an instant.
  • Put your hands together. It is good for parents to start helping them with their hand movements. Holding your baby’s hands and teaching them how to move them can go a long way even if it doesn’t seem like it.

    Baby’s motor development during the first month

    At this stage, the baby can do different things, many of which we may not know. For example, the recognition of the voice of their parents or some aromas, is something difficult to notice.

    You can bend your arms, with your hands closed or open. However, he still does not have muscle tone, this means that he is not able to control the movements of his head. In spite of everything, what you can do is move it when you want.

    It can be adapted to the posture of the person holding it. It is very common for him to show gestures that he makes involuntarily, although he is very sensitive to changes in position. He is sensitive to bright lights, so he will be seen when there is a light in front of him that closes his eyes and squeezes them.

    Reflexes such as pressure, when holding someone’s finger, or sucking when something is close to the mouth, are perceptible . Another recognizable reflex during the first month, is the one known as Babinski, is when you extend your fingers and arms to the sides and collect them towards your chest.

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