Can Your Children Stay Home Alone?

Can your children stay home alone?

Previously, mothers were in charge of staying at home with their children, while fathers sought sustenance. Today in some households, Dad is still the head of the household. In others, Mom also had to go out to work and that’s when the question arises whether your children can stay home alone.

Leaving children at home unattended could be very catastrophic when they are very young. They are at an age of knowing everything and experiencing things. A well-known psychologist from Spain, Javier Urra , thinks that it is not advisable to leave them alone before 7 years of age but here we will go a little more in depth.

What does the law say about whether children can stay home alone?

What the law says

The insecurity within the home and the legal regulations that protect the minor agree that your children should not stay home alone . Obviously leaving a four-year-old is just an act of unconsciousness. At that age his creativity and innocence is very high and anything can happen. Although he is very obedient, he is still a small child.

Of course the laws vary depending on the country where you come from. But in most cases, child protection regulations see this situation as a helplessness of the parents. That it is not only the abandonment of the home, but also the fact that the child’s representatives have had an inadequate compliance for the protection of their children.

You must keep control of the situation

If you feel that you are already collapsed (either because you are a mother single or because your husband also works), it is time for you to go to a specialist and raise your case. It could be a lawyer who knows the legal regulations in your country, as they will tell you if there is a specific age that allows children to stay home alone.

However, the legal area is not the only thing you should analyze. Also It is a good idea to go to a psychologist to evaluate your children’s ability to stay home alone.  This will give you an overview of how they will deal with certain situations when they are not around to help them.

Are your children capable of taking care of themselves?

If you ask your children if they feel empowered, you are not asking the correct source of information. It is true that it is about themselves and you want to know their opinion. But his way of thinking is not mature enough to take that kind of decisions .

Even if your children want to show you that they are capable of staying home alone, you must evaluate other factors. Think that you have knowledge that your children do not yet have and you should think about what their reaction will be in difficult situations. Many experts agree that if children are over 10 years old, their maturity would need to be assessed to see if they can be left alone.

How can you tell if you are ready for that moment?

girl doing homework

Here are some interesting questions that will let you know if your kids are ready to be home alone:

  • Can you take care of yourself physically and mentally?
  • Do you obey the rules and make good decisions?
  • Do you feel safe or afraid of being home alone?
  • Will the child have to prepare some eat ?
  • How often will you have to take care of yourself? How many times per week?
  • How many children stay with him at home? Even if a child is prepared to be left alone, it does not mean that he is prepared to take care of his brothers .
  • Do you have a safe home or does it present risks?
  • How safe is the neighborhood where you live?

If the time comes and you determine that it is time to leave them alone, it is essential that you explain what to do in an emergency . Leave them your phone numbers and that of a relative or neighbor.

Explain that they should not let anyone into the house, even if it is one of your adult friends. The first few times you are alone, try to keep it for a short time and thus gradually lengthen your absences.

The most important thing is that your children can talk on the phone or communicate with you or another adult if they feel necessary.

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