My Wishes And Gifts To Guarantee You A Happy Childhood

The love that I have in store for you in my heart is as infinite as my wishes and gifts to bring you a happy childhood.
My wishes and gifts to guarantee you a happy childhood

As a mother I only fervently wish that you enjoy a happy childhood. I seek to guarantee you at every moment the most pleasant moments and all my love. Also, my son, I have a series of wishes and gifts in my heart from the day I learned of your existence.

My wishes and gifts of this beautiful present are the best investments to build your future. It is all that I can offer you, and that with my example you should take it for your own life. For the love I have for you since I met you, there is too much I can give you.

There is no greater wealth than the legacy that we will build over the years. Nor is there a more valuable inheritance than the love and values ​​that I want to instill in you. My love, these are the wishes and gifts that I will naturally place in your hands from within, always watching over your joy and fulfillment.

Wishes and gifts that arise from within me

Among the wishes and gifts that I plan to give you is hope and illusion. Those that accompany me from the moment that test announced the arrival of the love of my life. Today I offer hope for your best tomorrow, and the illusion of enjoying each day of life together.

I give you the illusion of learning everything that causes you so much curiosity in this crazy world that surrounds us. I give you my passion for enjoying your every advance and learning. My smile at each achievement, or at each failure that helps us learn and understand.

My most infinite and eternal patience remains in your hands, the one that I believed to be non-existent before you broke into my days. Patience to fight with everything that does not go as we sometimes plan. Patience that arises from the deepest and most felt pure love.

My patience will be in charge of avoiding those moments of crisis and crying. The godmother of all disorder and complication. Our ally on those occasions in which I have to repeat ad nauseam the things that you cannot or do not want to understand.

I give you my effort and dedication, they will be all yours. I only ask that you cover my soul with your purity, and I promise to give you all my love and affection. There will be nothing more rewarding than that. Watching yourself grow is like seeing the most amazing miracle in life.

Magical wishes and gifts that are yours alone

I wish you never stop fueling that magnificent and amazing imagination. May fantasy accompany you every day of your life so that reality does not hurt so much. Perhaps it will be our imagination that saves us from routine and from every obstacle.

Imagination is necessarily among my wishes and gifts to guarantee you a happy childhood. Well, only she will allow us to innovate and reinvent ourselves every day of our lives. To create new worlds, to snatch dreams and to fight for the impossible my little sun!

I long for you to keep that magic that stains your soul with a halo of light. Never lose the simplicity and simplicity, the innocence and the freshness that makes you simply a unique and unrepeatable being. You are special because you are magic and, as such, you illuminate every place where you are.

You should never lose your curiosity and that immense ability to learn. Let no one believe that they quench that thirst for knowing and knowing that today invades you. For only in this way will you gain infinite wisdom, but fundamentally you will enable others to nourish themselves with your very existence.

In short, my son, each of the wishes and gifts that I put in your hands seek that you have a happy childhood and a happy life. Always remember that you are the protagonist of your own story, our beautiful shared story. I love being your mom and, therefore, I will put all this in your hands because I will always want the best for you.

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