The Importance Of Self-esteem In Adolescents

Find out below what is the importance of self-esteem in adolescents and how it influences throughout their lives.
The importance of self-esteem in adolescents

Have you ever wondered why self-esteem is so important in teens? The answer is very simple. The self-esteem that is had in adolescence will significantly influence the development of the person in the short, medium and long term.

Although it is true that many times you do not have a 100 percent healthy self-esteem in adolescence, people can experience a positive change and obtain a better evaluation of themselves. 

Of course, not all cases are the same and each person has a different rhythm. Which is why the generalizations are not entirely conclusive.

Let’s stop for a moment. If in adolescence we had thoughts, ideas, feelings and experiences that made us value ourselves positively most of the time, it is possible that it is less difficult for us to work on certain aspects in adulthood.

Self-esteem in adolescents is one of the most important factors to which attention should be paid, not only in the moment of a crisis but constantly, with affection and wisdom. After all, they are in a stage of many changes.

Self-esteem in adolescents.

How does self-esteem influence our lives?

When we have high self-esteem, we feel good about ourselves, we interact more freely, and we are more spontaneous.

On the other hand, we express ourselves more easily. We are also capable of overcoming difficulties, distinguishing and learning lessons from a critical point of view and, above all, kind to ourselves.

Self-esteem in adolescents must be cultivated in a healthy way so that they are able to see their achievements, enhance their abilities, accept their areas still to be improved, receive better criticism and grow as people, as well as meet the objectives that are proposed.

What are the most influencing factors?

  • Familiar surroundings.
  • Friendships.
  • Academic environment (teachers, classmates, counselors, etc.).
  • Social environment (cultural values, trends, beliefs, among others).

Self-esteem in adolescents

The various changes that are experienced in adolescence are not just anything. Therefore, it must be taken into account that there will not always be sufficient stability and that ups and downs are inevitable. 

However, the love and support of parents will positively influence the self-esteem of adolescents. Remember that at this stage of life it is important to feel accepted.

Self-esteem in adolescents.

It is not easy to build an image from the people around you. Therefore, it is important to bear in mind that, beyond the praise, criticism and reproach, we ourselves are the main responsible for ordering our ideas, values, beliefs, attitudes and others to shape our own perception.

Self-esteem in adolescents is not built overnight, nor should it be forced to do so. It is very important to respect each other’s process and provide the necessary tools in times of need.

It is much more useful to teach than to avoid or escape from problems. Therefore, it never hurts to guide our children when they are puzzled by the outlook.

Likewise, it is important to let them know that it is valid to lose oneself in order to find oneself again and emerge strengthened from the experience.

Behaviors that indicate healthy self-esteem in adolescents

  • Have the desire to improve themselves and show interest in things.
  • They maintain good communication. 
  • Optimism, hope and perseverance. It is important for a prominent future, we have to base ourselves on objectives and goals.
  • Critical ability. We all have strengths and weaknesses, the important thing is to know how to recognize and accept them.
  • Cooperation and solidarity with others.
  • Respect for yourself and others.
  • They have a consistent and responsible behavior most of the time.
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