Certain Foods Can Induce Labor

Pineapple bromelain can induce muscle relaxation, however huge amounts of this substance would be needed to cause labor.
Certain foods can induce labor

There may be many myths around this topic, however, there are many people who claim that some foods can induce labor. Although there is not enough scientific support in this regard, the time may come when the mother decides to test if she can give a little help to the calendar and give birth.

Is it true that there is any food capable of inducing labor? Well, many experienced women in the field think so and others who are not so expert want it to be true and are also willing to try it. If you dare to try it, here are some “recipes” to find that stimulus you require.

1. Spices and aromatic plants

It is common to believe that plants such as basil, oregano, thyme, parsley or sage and even anise or cayenne pepper, can cause contractions in the uterus. However, there are no studies in humans that guarantee its abortifacient potential or its action on the muscles of the uterus.

2. Castor oil

It’s understandable that you’re scared to try these foods, but the castor oil myth is archaic. This product is obtained from a seed that is actually toxic, but whose oil is edible.

Castor oil can induce labor, as stated in a study published in the journal “Women Birth”. This is because it is capable of causing the muscles of the intestine to contract, causing cramps in the uterus.


3. Spicy foods

Spicy food in some cases is contraindicated during pregnancy due to causes related to heartburn or other gastric complications. However, although they include it in the list of foods that could start the birthing process, there is no real evidence that this could work.

4. The pineapple

This fruit has many properties and according to some mothers it can also be added to help with the soon arrival of the baby. An enzyme known as bromelain, present in fresh pineapple, is believed to be capable of causing the cervix to soften. Scientific studies ensure that the intake of large amounts of pineapple can increase uterine motility.

However, although this could be true in some way, it is known that the amount of bromelain in pineapples can actually be very low. That is, it will be necessary to eat large amounts of fruit to get, at least, the intestine to relax.

5. Raspberry leaves

The use of raspberry leaves is related to the preparation of infusions with relaxing properties. This implies that perhaps this relaxation effect allows a full-term pregnancy to achieve its outcome by lowering stress levels, such relaxation could consequently reach the uterus.

6. Garlic

In the same order as aromatic plants, it could achieve stimulation and displacement of the fetus to its final position and prior to delivery. Eating garlic in sufficient quantities is one of the recipes that has long been indicated to induce labor, whether it is a proven procedure or not.

7. A plant called Cohosh

It is not a very common herb in the world, it is rather a product of North American origin that is used in the form of tea. Apparently cohosh tea can cause moderate to strong contractions.

Although there is no scientific evidence to support this fact, it is preferable to be cautious and be in constant contact with our doctor.

To keep in mind!

As we have already said, most of the foods and supplements whose properties to induce labor have been disclosed, have not been scientifically proven. In addition, it can be said that none of them has the regulatory support on their safe administration in these cases.


Consequently, before venturing to try techniques and / or products whose effects we do not know or are of potential risk, it is best to limit the quantities and avoid their use in case of direct contraindication. Since alternative medicine is largely not recommended for pregnant women, it is advisable to be in contact with specialists and not take unnecessary risks.

The decision to use these foods to induce labor is a personal one, however, we recommend that we lean towards those foods that we know may be harmless. For example, in the case of pineapple, there is no way that the quantities will be exceeded, other products such as chocolate can also be admitted on a small scale.

The important thing is not to put our health or that of our baby at risk, the time will come. It is preferable to relax and wait for the moment of delivery in total harmony and well-being.

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