Is The Child Less Naughty With His Father Than With His Mother?

There are those who think that babies and children behave worse when they are with their mother, to what extent is this true?
Is the child less mischievous with his father than with his mother?

It might sound like a cliché, but it seems like it isn’t. Have you ever had the feeling that your child behaves better when he is with his father? Do you think it is more naughty every time they are with you? As it turns out, it is not something strange or an unfounded appreciation. We check it.

In addition, before continuing, it is important to note that it is not only normal for the boy to behave better with his father. It also seems that when he is with friends, grandparents or other relatives, his behavior is more positive than with his mother. Is there a scientific basis?

A study confirms that the boy is more naughty with his mother

According to the Department of Psychology at the University of Washington, responsible for the study in question, a child can behave up to 800% worse when his beloved mother is present. For what is this?


The researchers studied a total of 500 families. During their field work, they measured the times each child called for help, screamed, cried, or screamed. The number of times he tried to attack, refused to walk, talked non-stop or behaved like a kind of crazy person was also established.

The findings, according to Dr. KP Loibowitz, who is leading the study, are unique. For example, an 8-month-old baby may be so happy playing until his mother comes into the room. At that moment he begins to cry, to release his anger and seek immediate attention.

The most curious thing is that this fact occurred in 99.9% of the cases studied. In the 0.1% that did not happen, it was due to children with vision or hearing difficulties. However, when they noticed the mother’s presence, they began to throw things or ask for food despite being perfectly fed.

What’s more, the adults who interacted with the little ones, except Mom, didn’t need much effort for the boy to attend to them. They were much more obedient as long as they were spoken to in a normal tone. Something that did not happen with his mother. Even speaking in the same tone, he did not receive the same attention. In fact, he must have raised his voice quite a bit to achieve a similar result.

The result establishes the odor as a critical point

According to the study by Dr. Leibowitz and his colleagues, the smell of mothers is what makes the most mischievous child. This behavior happens because the little one, when smelling maternal pheromones, modifies his behavior. Hence, we are working on a kind of aerosol capable of modifying this situation.

However, it sounds quite strange, although it does not seem crazy to think that the child’s nose calls him to decide his behavior. But the study has not established why the mother’s pheromones interact in this way with each child.


Give them love and attention

Be that as it may, and until the “fantastic spray” that will fix everything appears, we have to settle for the tools we have. But luckily, they are many and very effective. So pay attention.

Beyond the naughty child with the mother, we find positive parenting and emotional education. We must ensure that our children learn as they develop to manage their feelings, show empathy and be more resilient.

Give them affection, proper care and sensible training according to their phases of personal development. In this way there will be no aerosol that improves the effects on the little one. In other words, there are no miracles in raising a boy.

Maybe studies can give data on pheromones and so on, but a child needs affection. Remember affection, security, habits, routines. .. That is the really important part of their upbringing and the one that should concern us.

If your child is naughty, nothing happens, it is normal. All the children get up to mischief and lower the level as they get older . The important thing is that you are there to guide him and give him the necessary tools that will teach him important life lessons in each of his experiences.

So we wait for a miracle spray to make an appearance. In the meantime, we will settle for making our little ones happy, even if they are naughty. Give him love and common sense, the rest will come by itself.

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