Love And Patience Against The Jealousy Of Children

Love and patience against the jealousy of children

Jealousy is a common feeling in children, which although it is not always understood, should be treated as something natural and that can be resolved with two essential ingredients: love and patience. Sometimes parents can be incomprehensible with our children, it is not a bad thing to feel jealousy, but how we express it; For this reason, everything can improve if we are tolerant and show willingness to help them.

Jealousy is generally defined as a negative feeling that deserves to be rejected at all times. However, when we think that even an innocent creature can feel them, then perhaps it does not deserve such misunderstanding. It is common to consider jealousy as a manifestation of insecurity, but it is something that can be fought against, depending on the degree of affection and the characteristics of the situation, it is possible to improve.

Dealing with the jealousy of children is a challenge for parents, to a large extent sometimes we ourselves are responsible for this feeling to surface, which is very difficult to see. It is important that we are aware that we have not been unfair to our children and that we are in no way contributing to their disagreement.

Jealousy is controlled with love and patience

talk to your daughter

The reason for childhood jealousy can vary from person to person, but in most cases it appears when the little one feels that in some way that the love of his parents is threatened. The arrival of a new brother or partner of his parents, is the main trigger of jealousy; sometimes it is also produced by the presence of other children and also in relation to other people.

Although it is possible that the reaction of children may be negative, it is advisable to be patient and always put the love we have for our child first. We can try to change their attitude, but always with the best disposition and avoiding actions that affect them more; for example, scolding them or forcing them to apologize.

Jealousy begins to be a cause for family concern when it becomes uncontrollable and prolonged, otherwise it is considered a normal reaction that is part of the adaptation process. This stage is usually transitory and should be taken naturally, always incorporating large doses of love and having a very high patience.

What to do to turn them off?


It is normal for the family to turn upside down and routines to transform with the arrival of a new baby, the most common is that the smallest takes all the attention and becomes the center of the universe. However, when there are more children in the house it is impossible to neglect them; So, to a large extent childhood jealousy is unfounded, that we take more care with the newborn does not imply that we stop caring for others.

The main tools should be love first and then everything else, but patience is a very special request, because when we lose it we ruin everything, even the most beautiful feeling. It is recommended then that we understand his attitude and do what is necessary to remove any wrong idea from his mind; In general, it usually works for him to become a collaborator in our activities, because he will feel useful and will begin to feel that he is part of the fact.

The recommendations to attack jealousy with love and patience are as follows.

  1. Let’s show love early. It is important that we take time to show our love to them, remember that children cannot take for granted that we love them, it is necessary to say it and make it felt.
  2. Let’s improve communication. Our communication with children should always be good, but this situation deserves a special strengthening. Talking to your children in advance about the changes that are going to take place is essential to prevent jealousy from taking them by surprise. Loving words should prevail before, during and after the adaptation process.
  3. Let’s make them participate. Involving them in the care of the new baby allows us to teach them that our care makes sense, they will see that it takes time and care because the little one cannot take care of himself. His help with the little brother also gives him the merits of being the older brother
  4. Let’s create beautiful memories. Taking family photos and reviewing memories is an opportunity to explain that we are all important. Seeing old photographs from when he was also a baby and taking new ones with the newborn is always a good option.
  5. Don’t let your guard down. Although the first months are the most difficult, it is advisable to remain attentive to the attitude of the jealous child for at least two years. With each stage come new situations, for example when the baby begins to walk and touch the things of the brother; that is why we must remain with the same interest.

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