Use Seductive Names In Your Meals So That Your Children Eat Healthy

If you want your children to eat healthy, the ideal is that you use your imagination … discover how and why!
Use seductive names in your meals so that your children eat healthy

That children eat healthy is not an easy task to achieve, at least not always. To do this, sometimes you have to resort to a series of tricks that make eating more attractive in the eyes of children. This way you will also get them to eat a rich and balanced diet. Do you know a tip? Use seductive names in your meals.

Use seductive names in your meals

Camouflages food

Many children are reluctant to some foods, such as fish or vegetables. And this is so simply by seeing them on the plate. So a good way to get them to eat them is by camouflaging these products with other condiments. For this you can resort to dishes such as pasta or mashed potatoes that they do tend to like. With the fruit we can add some sugar in the case of the more acidic varieties.

Creativity to the power to create seductive names in your meals

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More tricks to use seductive names in your meals: in addition to resorting to the camouflage of the dishes, you can also do the same using creativity. And it is sure that if the food you prepare plays with the presentation and the forms, you will make it much more attractive for the eyes of the little ones.

Thus, the fact that they eat it will be much easier. Within this process of creativity is also putting seductive names on your meals. Thus, in the end you will get them to eat healthy in a more efficient way than you thought. Think about fostering your little one’s imagination. Cosmic dishes that will take you to wonderful worlds. Other fun meals for you to have a great time …

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Set disciplinary guidelines along with creating seductive names on your meals

Eating as a family can be a good way to give your child some discipline. And it is essential that children learn the importance of food.

This is something that they will achieve sooner if they eat as a family every day, because they can be given an appropriate guideline. Think that the little ones will have a tendency to imitate their parents at the table. Precisely because you will be imparting discipline, it is important that when eating with children we do not have the mobile phone on the table or the television on.

Reduce the amount of junk food you buy

We all have soft drinks, sweets, sweets and other types of foods at home that are not healthy even for the elderly, but even less so to ensure the growth of children. If you do not have this type of food, it will be impossible for them to consume them regularly.

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So the best thing to avoid is to minimize these types of temptations and not buy them. If they see that these foods are not at home, their meals at home will be easier and they will not feel like they have been denied something within their reach.

Once in a while, reward him

Of course, from time to time you will also have to indulge her in some whims and give her small prizes. Always keep in mind that children’s nutrition is a crucial issue and you have to provide them with a healthy and balanced diet. However, you should not forget how old they are either. Reward them promptly with little whims like a different dessert or a little sweet that they might like.

Put your child in the kitchen

Do not be afraid of your child getting into the kitchen, because it is recommended that children participate in the cooking. If you can get them involved in little chores around the house like food choices, you will earn a lot.

Something that is also extensible to the preparation of meals. The reason? You yourself will see that they will be more interested in eating what they have cooked and nothing like introducing them to healthy food in this way. Depending on their age, give them one role or another in the preparation of the dishes and that’s it. If they are old enough, you can let them cut vegetables or mix the ingredients.

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Go shopping

Another way that can be most effective is for children to become aware of the effort involved in preparing food. In addition, it will also be useful for them to know first-hand the characteristics and even nutritional values ​​of foods.

This will be possible if we make them participate when making the purchase. You can entrust them with tasks such as searching for products from our list or even suggesting purchases and dishes.

Have a schedule

Keep in mind that children have to eat every three to four hours, so it is best to establish a schedule. This will give them discipline and, of course, will ensure that they are always well fed without starving due to a jet lag.

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