Overweight Children: What To Do

Overweight children: what to do

Being overweight is a common problem in our society. A sedentary lifestyle causes both adults and children to become overweight, and this can undoubtedly lead to serious health problems. It is necessary to be aware of the problems that this can entail for the health of children and therefore, you have to know what to do to end this serious and social problem.

What to do with an overweight child

Don’t stress that you have to lose weight

If you have an overweight son or daughter, you need to not focus on losing it. You need to focus on good health and good nutrition.

You can consult with your pediatrician for advice on general health and weight issues depending on the age of your son or daughter. Besides, it is also a good idea to be the best example, so take care of your health too.

Good family nutrition

You may not be overweight but your eating habits will be essential for your child to learn what is really good for him or her over time.

Having a good diet is necessary to put it as a family project. Don’t buy processed foods, keep lots of fruit on hand, eat healthy meals throughout the day, etc.

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Improve communication

It is important to talk to each other, that you turn off the television while you are eating. Sometimes you may be tempted to buy prepared foods or go to a restaurant for dinner. This is not bad, but do it from time to time and taking into account the food that is consumed.

You can make simple and nutritious meals for the whole week, you just have to plan it to be something routine. Prepare meals together with your children so they can see what is good for them.

Do sports and maintain an active life

Encourage your children to play sports. Don’t worry if it costs them, it will only be at the beginning. Physical activity is very important in the fight against being overweight. Try to take a walk or play active games as a family each day. Even if it’s only for 15 minutes.

On weekends you can plan meals for the following week and activities to do. Playing a lot, walking, cycling, skating… There are many activities that you can do as a family that will keep you physically, mentally and emotionally active.

Be a good example of self-esteem

Being overweight can cause insecurity in children when they see that they do not follow the beauty patterns established by society. Make them see that beauty is not exterior but interior.

You will find beauty within yourself when you feel healthy and have a good lifestyle. When this happens it will not matter so much what the scale reads because they will feel good about themselves and that is what really matters.

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To work on self-esteem even if you are overweight, you must enhance the qualities of your children, that they look good with the clothes they use. It is important that the clothes you wear every day make you feel good about yourself and your body.

That is, it should be clothes of their size and that also fit them well. As they begin to have healthy eating habits then, the weight will be reduced almost automatically.

Without obsessions

It is very important for your overweight son or daughter that there are no obsessions, neither on your part nor on their part. Obsessions to lose weight can be very dangerous because they  could lead to eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia. Both disorders must be treated by health professionals and often leave sequelae in people who suffer from it.

Therefore, the ideal is to focus on healthy eating, ensuring good health, having a healthy eating family project, that your children get used to eating natural foods and not so much processed.

That it is fine to have a sweet once in a while, but better knowing that abusing unwise foods is not good for anyone’s health.

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